User Addons

by stabby
Extension for ZombieMod 2.0, provides new gameplay features, admin functionality and anti noob mods.

zm_tools3 Details Version: 3.6a
Updated:2010-02-25 12:20:39
Downloads: 45090

L4D2 Zombieclaws for CSS Zombiemod Screenshot
Led by: stabby
Collaborators: Einlanzers
Gives zombies in C0ldfyre's zombiemod zombie claw L4D2 viewmodels serverside

L4D2 Zombieclaws for CSS Zombiemod Details Version: 1.3FIX
Updated:2010-04-17 15:59:10
Downloads: 31928

by stabby
When the first zombie is killed there is a configurable chance all other zombies will die

firstzombie Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-01-01 12:32:55
Downloads: 2544

HeadcrabHell (zombiemod version) Screenshot
by stabby
Fight against hordes of respawning headcrabs which will get progressively stronger / faster / jumpier the more u kill them.

HeadcrabHell (zombiemod version) Details Version: b3.0
Updated:2010-02-12 08:14:18
Downloads: 13508

by stabby
Dissolve weapons with a cool effect when a player dies or drops his weapon.

weapondissolver Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2010-01-15 02:22:33
Downloads: 2981

by stabby
Dissolve with a cool effect: weapons when a player dies or drops his weapons, and dissolve corpses after a player dies.

EasyDissolver Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-01-17 23:11:09
Downloads: 3365

zombieclaws for CSS zombiemod Screenshot
Led by: stabby
Collaborators: Einlanzers
Gives zombies in C0ldfyre's zombiemod zombie claw viewmodels serverside

zombieclaws for CSS zombiemod Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-02-20 11:04:47
Downloads: 6120

by stabby
Players can open a menu to lock barricades against cade destroyers, auto protects props against grenade impact.

cadeprotector Details Version: 1.0a
Updated:2010-01-23 23:28:14
Downloads: 6374

teleme Screenshot
by stabby
Allows players to choose teammates from a menu and teleport them with sound and light orb effect. can be configured so players cant use it when too close to enemies and can be teamrestricted.

teleme Details Version: 0.5b
Updated:2010-03-21 10:46:25
Downloads: 10064

by stabby
Show damage done and/or health remaining at the bottom of the screen when a player is hurt. can be configured to be teamrestricted.

Hudhealth Details Version: 1.0a
Updated:2010-01-24 10:39:54
Downloads: 4467

by stabby
Shows a menu for players to join other servers when they join or type a command. fully configurable, useful for when you are moving hosts or are announcing a new server. now with multiple server support.

redirectmenu Details Version: 0.3
Updated:2010-01-27 10:03:08
Downloads: 8325

stabbyprops Screenshot
by stabby
Allows your admins or players to spawn your favorite zombiemod props through a propmenu after they type a command in chat. included credit system and easily configurable.

stabbyprops Details Version: 0.5b
Updated:2010-04-26 10:02:53
Downloads: 23379

by stabby
automatically ban players if reconnecting too much per map (retrying).

antiretry Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2010-01-24 19:09:04
Downloads: 2638

Dynamic pinglimit for Mani Admin Screenshot
by stabby
Automatically changes the pinglimit for MANI admin depending on the amount of players on server.

Dynamic pinglimit for Mani Admin Details Version: beta 1 (0.1)
Updated:2010-01-27 14:19:16
Downloads: 3255

AuctionHall Screenshot
by stabby
Allows the buying/selling of weapons/grenades between players through popup menus.

AuctionHall Details Version: beta 2 (0.2)
Updated:2010-01-29 12:09:58
Downloads: 8243

c4menu Screenshot
by stabby
Players can buy and plant remote detonated C4 bombs through popup menus. easily configurable for different mods/gametypes.

c4menu Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2010-02-28 07:15:19
Downloads: 15087

by stabby
Simple script allows to play maps with not enough spawnpoints without players getting stuck in each other. This is not a noblock script. it will only check on map start if players are stucked and if so move them away and unstuck them.

SpawnFix Details Version: 0.2
Updated:2010-02-21 19:22:34
Downloads: 4502

jetpackmenu Screenshot
by stabby
players can use a jetpack with custom sounds and smoke trail that follows the player, now with fuel system & highly configurable.

jetpackmenu Details Version: 0.2
Updated:2010-03-20 19:08:25
Downloads: 3309

Jetpackmenu Full Russian V0.2.3 Screenshot
Led by: loKkdoKk
Collaborators: stabby

Jetpackmenu Full Russian V0.2.3 Details Version: 0.2
Updated:2010-03-24 09:51:28
Downloads: 4503

mapfix Screenshot
by stabby
MapFix is a script which allows you to modify/edit maps serverside without a map editor, useful for: entity manipulation, adding/removing props, blocking out spots, fixing spawnpoints or creating new spots.all can be done automatically via CFG files.

mapfix Details Version: 0.2c
Updated:2010-03-24 11:52:55
Downloads: 11710

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