Firstzombie for Zombiemod 2.0+ by C0ldfyre.
When the first zombie is killed there is a chance all other zombies will die and a message will be displayed in chat. (chance can be configured in the .txt file)
- Configure chance if needed at:
es_xset zm_mainzombie_chance 10 // What is the chance the round is when the first zombie is killed, 10 means 1 in 10 chance.
You can also modify the message that will be displayed below.
- Put es_firstzombie in cstrike/addons/eventscripts/firstzombie
- Add to your autoexec.cfg es_load firstzombie
- Restart the server or do RCON es_load first zombie
Version Notes For 1.0
Updated on: 2010-01-01 12:32:55 EST by stabby