Addons by Tag

Ourserver Release 2.5 English/German Updated 12.05.2009 Screenshot
by uedi
Ourserver let your People on your Server, by typing !server, connect on your other Server ( Up to 7 Servers )

Ourserver Release 2.5 English/German Updated 12.05.2009 Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2009-05-21 03:25:35
Downloads: 15862

ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German Screenshot
by uedi
ServerJumper let your People on your Server, by typing !server, connect on your other Server (Up to 7 Servers), and now they can choose an Server, when they joined to a Reserve Slot

ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-05-21 03:24:32
Downloads: 12831

GunGame5 Join Message Screenshot
by Warren
A join message containing stats information. (GunGame5)

GunGame5 Join Message Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2008-11-17 15:11:55
Downloads: 7759

justAdmins is an addon to play sounds and send messages when an admin joins or leaves the server.

justAdmins Details Version: 1.0 27/12/08
Updated:2008-12-27 09:35:22
Downloads: 6034

ServerJumper v.1.0 E  [8/01/12] Screenshot
by roof
ServerJumper let your People on your Server, by typing !servers, connect on your other Server (No Limit of Adding Servers)

ServerJumper v.1.0 E  [8/01/12] Details Version: 1.0 E
Updated:2012-01-12 17:30:50
Downloads: 13462

This is a small script that when you join the server it shows a popup outlining a welcome or rules or both.

Welcome / rules popup by -=BoDzSaR=- Updated Details Version: 2
Updated:2008-03-11 03:34:43
Downloads: 6755

Status Display - See IP, ID and Rates on Join Screenshot
by Zignixx
If a Player Join the Server, you can see the Steam ID, The IP of the Player and the Rates ( rate, cmdrate and updaterate )

Status Display - See IP, ID and Rates on Join Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-11-14 15:43:20
Downloads: 9427

Very easy to set up! Comes with commands, rules, how to join a clan, and admins list menus! Version 3 comes with a menu to give free guns!

Cookie's Popups Details Version: 3.1.1
Updated:2008-01-28 01:07:52
Downloads: 3651

Server-Admin Join [By CbRRR] Screenshot
by CbRRR
Wen ein Admin den Server betretet kommt eine kleine Nachricht! Lasst euch von dem Bild nicht täuschen,dass schwarze "Admin left the Server" ist nicht schwarz aber ich musste es euch ja irgentwie zeigen :D

Server-Admin Join [By CbRRR] Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2011-11-30 15:07:50
Downloads: 6192

When a player joins, shows the name and the Steam-ID. Now multi-langual!

JoinME Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-04-30 00:20:57
Downloads: 4473

This addon tells you the players id and ip when he disconnect or connect

Simple Join Info Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2012-09-12 09:44:46
Downloads: 2793

by Acid
Its a connect, disconnect script

Devil Connect Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2008-05-07 13:20:02
Downloads: 3770

When a Player joins on the Server he will automaticly get a Popup to view the Server admins and Rules

Admin and Rule Popup Details Version: 1.1.1 Beta
Updated:2010-08-14 05:49:20
Downloads: 9410

A Simple Plugin for Counter Player

Player Counter Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-09-28 14:48:30
Downloads: 2356

Every Player can choose his favorite Joinsound, he wants to hear when he joins

Favourite Joinsound Details Version: 1.1.0
Updated:2010-01-24 13:08:04
Downloads: 6505




JD Details Version: v1
Updated:2009-02-23 19:21:53
Downloads: 2863

by No_War
Never let a hacker or an annoying player escape!

Join Server [Username, STEAMID] Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2009-02-23 23:08:06
Downloads: 4827

by KDBFame
join server id name

FJoinserver Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-06-13 06:43:52
Downloads: 2965

Player Join Display Info Screenshot
Fancier, nicer looking player name and steam id display when they join.

Player Join Display Info Details Version: 1
Updated:2009-10-05 02:38:13
Downloads: 4638

Joinsound + Winnersound Screenshot
This Plugin gives you Join and Winnersounds

Joinsound + Winnersound Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-01-24 12:19:24
Downloads: 7220

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