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justAdmins - Version 1.0 27/12/08

posted on 2008-12-27 09:35:23
by Chrisber


With justAdmins you get a powerful addon which manages your admin sounds and messages performantly and fast. It allows you to set a lot of options by default and each admin you add can have his own settings. You are allowed to add a unlimited number of new admins. Sure you can change settings while the server is running, just reload justAdmins. List of options (snippet of justadmins.ini):[code]# This option defines whether a default admin is active or not. active = True # onconnect is the sound which will be played by default when an admin connects. Please use a valid sound name from the sounds-category. False means no sound and no messages! onconnect = "normal" # onleave is the sound which will be played by default when an admin disconnects. Please use a valid sound name from the sounds-category. False means no sound and no messages! onleave = "normalleave" # Define how the messages look like on connect. #green, #lightgreen and #default set the color of the chat message. %username% is a placeholder for the admin's name. connectmessage = "#lightgreen[#defaultAdmin#lightgreen]#lightgreen %username% #greenhas joined the server!" # Define how the messages look like on disconnect. #green, #lightgreen and #default set the color of the chat message. %username% is a placeholder for the admin's name. leavemessage = "#lightgreen[#defaultAdmin#lightgreen]#lightgreen %username% #greenhas left the server!" # Display a chat message? chatmessage = True # Display a toptext mesasge (left corner)? topmessage = True # Display a center message? centermessage = True # Display a bottom message (centered)? bottommessage = True[/code]


Just extract the zip-file to your cstrike directory and upload it. Maybe you want to configure it? If so, you can edit the justadmins.ini which is placed in cfg/justadmins.ini. If you want to autoload the addon when the server starts, you have to add the following code to the cfg/server.cfg (maybe you have to create this file!):[code]es_xload justadmins[/code]

Version Notes For 1.0 27/12/08

Updated on: 2008-12-27 09:35:22 EST by Chrisber (View Zip Contents)
[list] [*]First release. [/list]

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