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ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German ScreenShot

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ServerJumper + Reserve Slot Release 1.5 English/German - Version 1.5

posted on 2009-05-13 16:04:26
by uedi


[b]What does ServerJumper ? [/b] With ServerJumper the People on your server can connect on your other Servers e.g Mr. X typs !server, and choose the first Server, there he can see information about the Server, like IP, Name, Admins, Slots. Then when he press 1 he joins to your other Server... [b] What musst I do to add my servers ? [/b] You must edit the line in ServerJumper-config.cfg [syntax="es"] //Start of Configuration\\ // Script Sprache -> deutsch = "de" // Script Language -> English = "en" es_xset language "de" // Die Servernamen die in der Liste angezeigt werden sollen, wenn man !server eingibt // Nach der Reihenfolge 1. ,2. ,3. Server usw... Wenn kein Server dann einfach "" schreiben // The Servernamens, which stand in the list, when someone type !server // In order 1. , 2. , 3. etc Server, if there is no Server type only "" es_xset server1 "{I.c.B} GermaN-HauS#1|FASTDL|Mini-Game Server" es_xset server2 "" es_xset server3 "" es_xset server4 "" es_xset server5 "" es_xset server6 "" es_xset server7 "" // IP Der Server, nach der Reihenfolge 1. , 2. , 3. usw ... // IP of Servers, In order 1. , 2. , 3. etc Server es_xset serverip1 "" es_xset serverip2 "" es_xset serverip3 "" es_xset serverip4 "" es_xset serverip5 "" es_xset serverip6 "" es_xset serverip7 "" // Sloteanzahl der Server, nach der Reihenfolge 1. , 2. , 3. usw ... // Slots of Server, In order 1. , 2. , 3. etc Server es_xset serverslots1 "21" es_xset serverslots2 "" es_xset serverslots3 "" es_xset serverslots4 "" es_xset serverslots5 "" es_xset serverslots6 "" es_xset serverslots7 "" // Admins der Server, nach der Reihenfolge 1. , 2. , 3. usw ... // Admins of Server, In order 1. , 2. , 3. etc Server es_xset serveradmin1 "Popoklopsi" es_xset serveradmin2 "" es_xset serveradmin3 "" es_xset serveradmin4 "" es_xset serveradmin5 "" es_xset serveradmin6 "" es_xset serveradmin7 "" // Wenn eine Message angezeigt werden soll auf "yes" Stellen, wenn nicht leer lassen // If there should come Message with the Command type "yes", if not type "no" es_xset message "yes" // Wenn Message = yes, dann welche Art von Message, "round" ist für eine Message einmal pro Runde // "time" ist für eine ausgewählte Zeit, z.b jede x Sekunden // if Message = yes, choose which type you want, "round" if every round a message should come // "time" for every x Seconds a Message should come es_xset messagetype "time" // In welchen Abständen soll die Nachricht kommen, in Sekunden ! // In which distances should the Message come , in Seconds ? es_xset messagetime "120" // Aktiviert die Reserve Slot Funktion, und stellt den Spielern eine Serverauswahl dar 1= an 0= aus // Enable the Reserve Slot function, and let the People the a Serverchoice, 1 = on 0 = off es_xset reserveslot "1" // Wieviel Reserve Slots soll der Server besitzen // How much Reserve Slot should the Server have es_xset reserveslots "2" // Wielang hat der Spieler zeit auf einen andern Server zu gehen, bevor er gekickt wird // How long have the Player Time to join to another Server, befor he will kicked es_xset reservetime "60" // Hier die Reserve Slot admins, die einen Reserve Slot haben (Mit , Trennen) // Type here the Reserve Slot admins, which habe Reserve Slots ( Seperate with ,) es_xset reserveadmins "STEAM_ID_LAN," // Schreibe hier den kickgrund rein, wenn jemand gekickt wird // Type here the kick reason, when someone get kicked es_xset kick_msg "You were kicked, for joining a reserve Slot" //End of Configuration\\[/syntax] [b] How much Server can i add[/b] So far you can add up to 7 Server, you can also write me a pm, and i add you more Server [b] What Languages are supported [/b] There are 2 Languages Supported English and German, to change them you musst edit it in the config [syntax="es"] // Script Sprache -> deutsch = "de" // Script Language -> English = "en" es_xset language "de"[/syntax] [b] Whats new in 1.1 ? [/b] + add easier configure + add two message configurations + bug fixed when typing !server + add a Reserve Slot function, where people can join to another Server, when joining on a Reserve Slot [b] Whats new in 1.5 ? [/b] + add kick message + fixed bugs [b] Special thanks to [/b] [url=]Niar[/url] He thinks of the Reserve Slot function, and Test the Script Now have much fun, and report any bug Dont forget to [b] +wOOt [/b] me :)


Copy the folder Addons and cfg in your game directory Type es_load ServerJumper in your autoexec, Configure the file ServerJumper-config.cfg restart your server

Version Notes For 1.5

Updated on: 2009-05-21 03:24:32 EST by uedi (View Zip Contents)
1.5 + add kick message + fixed bugs 1.1 + add easier configure + add two message configurations + bug fixed when typing !server + add a Reserve Slot function, where people can join to another Server, when joining on a Reserve Slot

( Previous Versions )