User Addons

PremiumMod v2.0.9 [21/08/2011] Screenshot
Led by: roof
Collaborators: TheCheeTaH
Allows players to buy Premium Accounts for their Steam IDs and get special abilities

PremiumMod v2.0.9 [21/08/2011] Details Version: 2.0.9
Updated:2012-08-10 11:05:53
Downloads: 61602

by roof
StarWars:Source allows you to play CS:S in the StarWars universe

StarWars:Source v1.5 A Re:Coded [8/08/11] Details Version: 1.5 A
Updated:2011-12-28 15:06:35
Downloads: 67813

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Screenshot
by roof
You have now !votekick, votekick, !votemap, voteban, !voteban, voteban, !votemute, votemute, rtv, rockthevote, nominate functions in one addon!

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Details Version: 2.0.2
Updated:2012-05-06 09:31:21
Downloads: 34355

by roof
hen there is number on players on server there will be a knifebattle, (1vs1,2vs2,3vs3,..)

 RoOF's Knifefight v.2.0.4 (? vs ?) Details Version: 2.0.4
Updated:2012-05-07 11:45:20
Downloads: 40368

by roof
BulletTime in CS:(S)/DoD/HL2DM! With tons of triggers to activate BulletTime on, this is a must have mod for any fun server!

Bullettime v2.0.0 [6/08/11] Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2012-06-23 07:18:27
Downloads: 23782

SkinChooser v.1.0 D [21/11/2011] Screenshot
by roof
Choose a lot of Custom Skins via Menu. Easy to conifg and to add models. For (CT / T) (CT ADMIN/T ADMIN) 3(D)RD Person View. And more.

SkinChooser v.1.0 D [21/11/2011] Details Version: 1.0 D
Updated:2012-02-05 17:05:01
Downloads: 13544

(MB_)Powerup Re:Coded v.1.0d [5/08/11] Screenshot
by roof
Dead people leave powerups that players can pick up. Kinda like old school games. Now with powerdowns!

(MB_)Powerup Re:Coded v.1.0d [5/08/11] Details Version: 1.0d
Updated:2011-08-10 11:21:45
Downloads: 9993

RoundEndOverlay v1.1 A [ESP] Screenshot
by roof
Its a little RoundEndOverlay Addon. You can set for CT and T a extra one.

RoundEndOverlay v1.1 A [ESP] Details Version: 1.1 A
Updated:2012-02-05 10:57:48
Downloads: 10077

ro_BhopManager v1.0c [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
You can use Bhop commands driektly from a menu or from Chat

ro_BhopManager v1.0c [ESP] - Details Version: 1.0 c
Updated:2011-08-27 10:00:41
Downloads: 8636

Propmenu v.1.2 C [Python] Screenshot
by roof
You can spawn Objects by typing !prop into the chat. Really Easy to config and to add new Props (no limit)

Propmenu v.1.2 C [Python] Details Version: 1.2 C
Updated:2012-02-04 19:14:20
Downloads: 12410

ServerJumper v.1.0 E  [8/01/12] Screenshot
by roof
ServerJumper let your People on your Server, by typing !servers, connect on your other Server (No Limit of Adding Servers)

ServerJumper v.1.0 E  [8/01/12] Details Version: 1.0 E
Updated:2012-01-12 17:30:50
Downloads: 13812

ro_CashExchanger [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
You can Exchange your Hp's(live) for more Money

ro_CashExchanger [ESP] - Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-01-05 11:36:06
Downloads: 6231

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
Its a little addon which allows you to Exchange your money ($) for more HP. You will open the menu with "!health" into the Chat.

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-01-07 20:25:33
Downloads: 2695

Anti_Camp v1.0 b [24/7/11] Screenshot
by roof
You are annoyed about f***ing Campers? Now it's over with that. The Anti_Camp addon for Orangebox is now aviable.

Anti_Camp v1.0 b [24/7/11] Details Version: 1.0 b
Updated:2011-12-05 13:35:02
Downloads: 11872

by roof
You can knife the Zombie with 1 Hit, but when there are less then 2 Zombies, it will be restricted

[1Hit] KnifeZombie Python Details Version: 1.1 a
Updated:2011-07-10 16:35:49
Downloads: 11690

SprayTracker v.1.0.1 [28/05/12] Screenshot
by roof
This is a simple addon which shows all Players the name of the Sprayer.

SprayTracker v.1.0.1 [28/05/12] Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2012-05-30 14:45:50
Downloads: 6378

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