Addons by Tag

Laser Letters Screenshot
by bonbon
An addon that lets you write in lasers!

Laser Letters Details Version: 1.9
Updated:2008-06-12 18:51:05
Downloads: 24625

by Ratzee
If you type !time to chat the script will show you the current time and plays sounds for it.

Current Time - text and sound Details Version: v1.2
Updated:2009-03-28 07:28:04
Downloads: 9486

TeamLead /Quake Sounds/ [v2.1] Screenshot
Led by: Ratzee
Collaborators: pitbull0993
Announces: Which team is leading, Lead streaks, Which team won the match, Selectable: sound, announce modes. Menu: !teamlead

TeamLead /Quake Sounds/ [v2.1] Details Version: v2.1
Updated:2009-03-25 09:56:57
Downloads: 14829

Is someone really ticking you off? Well just type !ignore and all your troubles are over

IgnoreList Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2007-11-27 16:58:08
Downloads: 3582

by 3R10N
A simple respawn script with other small features

vSPAWN Details Version: 1.3.2
Updated:2008-10-14 21:28:59
Downloads: 16975

Alternative to es_centermsg (which doesn't work in HL2)

hud_gametext command Details Version: 1.0.4
Updated:2008-06-27 01:38:42
Downloads: 6544

big congratulations to all a Happy New Year

Happy New Year Details Version: 1.00
Updated:2010-12-25 07:47:35
Downloads: 2795

Command Chat Screenshot
by jxl180
Made for Hosties servers, allows CTs without a microphone to give commands. In chat, a ct types !c msg and in chat, in light green, *COMMAND CHAT* Player Name: Message will appear. See Pictures.

Command Chat Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-01-04 20:23:59
Downloads: 3597

by Undead
Displays Players Alive/Dead through Say Command

Alive and Dead Count Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2008-07-08 12:55:28
Downloads: 8361

by 3R10N
A simplistic Gun Menu script for mods that like vSPAWN, CheapDeathMatch, or simpldm

SimpleGunMenu Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-10-25 10:08:11
Downloads: 7061

texto y sonido de la hora actual

current_time traducido al español Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-04-15 15:18:07
Downloads: 2897

Kill Damage Screenshot
by sembrik
This addon shows the player there are getting hurt, the amount and who there hurt him!

Kill Damage Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-24 07:47:44
Downloads: 4548

by CrAzD
Filters words based on 4 options; delete, random, kill or whatever character you want.

Word Filter Details Version: RC 1
Updated:2011-05-29 14:28:48
Downloads: 4461

Zeigt jedem Spieler der auf den Server Joint eine Nachricht an in form einer begrüßung ! Sehr nettes positives ADDON wurde geprüft !

Join-Nachricht-Willkommen-Text Details Version: Aktuellste Version ! Funktioniert/Geprüft
Updated:2012-06-10 03:05:49
Downloads: 3100

Player Connect / - Disconnect Info Screenshot
by ayezome
This Addon will show you who connected and disconnected on your server.

Player Connect / - Disconnect Info Details Version: Player Connect /- Disconnect 1.0
Updated:2013-06-23 18:02:34
Downloads: 3356

Feedback Screenshot
This addon gives players the ability to give a feedback on the server (or maps/admins/etc.). The messages are then stored in a text file on your server (with player, steamid and the time sent)

Feedback Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2014-01-02 00:32:58
Downloads: 3683

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