[color=red][size=18][b]IgnoreList v1.0[/b][/size][/color]
Created by [color=green]JoeyT2007[/color]
[list][b][*][url=]EventScripts v2.0 or higher.[/url][/b][/list]
[list]Is someone really ticking you off? Well just type !ignore and all your troubles are over! They can't see what you type and you can't see what they type. Problem solved.[/list]
[list]1. Extract all files to your cstrike folder.
2. In your autoexec.cfg file, put es_load ignorelist.
3. Restart the server.[/list]
[size=18][color=blue][b]Download:[/b] [/color][/size]
[list][b]:arrow: [url][/url][/b][/list]