Addons by Tag

Probably the easiest and most powerful Say Sounds Addon

Easy Say Sounds Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2008-01-19 11:24:07
Downloads: 22941

Allows admins to speak through other players and bots!

FakeChat Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2007-11-25 13:51:57
Downloads: 5348

ESC Admin Screenshot
by 3R10N
ESC Admin (ESCA) This is a admin mod that has a menu in the console and console commands

ESC Admin Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-11-01 19:26:59
Downloads: 6719

Shares all server chat with multiple servers by connecting to them via rcon. This is a beta and will be improved considerably.

CrossServerChat Details Version: 0.1 Beta
Updated:2007-11-28 15:56:50
Downloads: 3755

Is someone really ticking you off? Well just type !ignore and all your troubles are over

IgnoreList Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2007-11-27 16:58:08
Downloads: 3657

by Saul
Allows players to use green and their team colour in say.

ColourSay Details Version: 0.1.1
Updated:2007-12-01 09:51:18
Downloads: 5350

When a player sais Hi or hello or hey. the server will say hi back and will tell the players to say his to the person...

Say Hi Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-03-21 05:21:07
Downloads: 3377

Just a script that i made when i was bored. when you try to kick or ban someone it will kick or ban the person trying to ban.

Kick and Ban Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-04-13 22:45:32
Downloads: 3417

When a player types a selected thing it will kill them.

Say Kill Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-05-11 04:43:50
Downloads: 2979

by Hisoka
Has a away player in server? Simple, type !votespc.

SFvotespc Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-12-15 18:19:43
Downloads: 2768

by modye
SayAdmin Say !

SayOfAdmin ! V1.0 Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-02-01 14:41:30
Downloads: 2745

by CrAzD
Filters words based on 4 options; delete, random, kill or whatever character you want.

Word Filter Details Version: RC 1
Updated:2011-05-29 14:28:48
Downloads: 4596

!Panic - Mod Screenshot
With !panic you loose your weapons so you can run away very fast!

!Panic - Mod Details Version: 2.6
Updated:2011-11-07 10:41:06
Downloads: 8670

Type "/w playername , text" to send a whisper, and "/r text" to reply!

Whisper  *UPDATED* Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-12-29 05:49:33
Downloads: 4458

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