Addons by Tag

Srules Screenshot
Custum your server whit srules! Creat a popup whit your own rules, admin info, mod on your server and more! check it out and woot if you like it. :D

Srules Details Version: V 1.21
Updated:2009-01-24 19:50:03
Downloads: 11861

Weapons Menu Screenshot
by Moonie
A menu with a list of all weapons which you can give yourself and only admins are allowed to use it.

Weapons Menu Details Version: 1.2.2
Updated:2009-02-11 09:38:50
Downloads: 10812

Server Command Admin Screenshot
allows sca admins, to change, gravity, limitteams, autoteambalance, tkpunish, pushscale, accelerate, wateraccelerate, airaccelerate and more

Server Command Admin Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-06-16 04:59:57
Downloads: 7909

by ichthys

[1.0+] Ultimate Admin v3.3 by ichthys Details Posted: 2005-08-10 00:36:24

by McFly
Server stats + player stats + weapons stats ... using a menu system

[RELEASE] Ultimate Server Stats Menu B1 Details Posted: 2005-12-02 14:11:13

Force players to read your servers rules! Or anything else you wish!

[Last Update: 8/23/06]Welcome Message Details Posted: 2006-04-11 18:44:41

It's a nice admin menu and can do many things i worked on it for a long time... i hope you like it :P

S admin (script admin) Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2008-07-21 03:10:17
Downloads: 10812

Buy Guns and Grenades during play

Guns'n'GreNades Details Version: 1.4b
Updated:2008-11-09 21:36:41
Downloads: 10675

Bomb Buyer Screenshot
by Ratzee
If you have the bomb and you are in the bombzone, you can buy new bombs with different timers. Customisable prices, timers.

Bomb Buyer Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-04-11 17:52:47
Downloads: 4014

Helpmenu Screenshot
by suschi
Popupmenu which shows commands

Helpmenu Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-10-15 05:52:14
Downloads: 5628

Szerver menü v3 Magyar változata Screenshot
by kajla
Szerver menü magyar nyelven! Frissítve!

Szerver menü v3 Magyar változata Details Version: 3.2
Updated:2009-09-20 06:31:37
Downloads: 7516

Szerver menü v2 Magyar változata Screenshot
by kajla
A szerver menü régebbi, v2-es változata, admin menü nélkül! Frissítve!

Szerver menü v2 Magyar változata Details Version: 2.4
Updated:2009-10-31 21:00:48
Downloads: 12193

Door Menu by MiB Screenshot
by .:MiB:.
Easily control doors on the map!

Door Menu by MiB Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2010-11-12 10:26:48
Downloads: 6496

Admin de Wars (ahora con sistema de !ready) Screenshot
Con este admin tendras todo lo necesario para echar una buena war, ahora incluye sistema de !ready. Ademas viene con notas explicativas de que hace cada comando por si quieres aprender un poco a como hacer un plugin. Todo completamente en Español.

Admin de Wars (ahora con sistema de !ready) Details Version: v2.2
Updated:2011-03-18 18:02:07
Downloads: 9563

by sn4k3
Shop menu with admin, sounds and more

[12/11/06] SSHOP v2.2 -Buy In One Shop- Details Posted: 2006-04-12 08:31:45

by p t a d
Simple and Easy way to choose a weapon

GunMenu Details Posted: 2006-08-02 06:54:41

Provides an easy to use menu for admins to change the map.

Map list Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2007-12-05 10:12:00
Downloads: 5334

sound menu Screenshot
by DoCky
menu complet pour les sons, simple d'installation et d'utilisation

sound menu Details Version: 1.3p
Updated:2008-05-14 21:31:28
Downloads: 10422

Very easy to set up! Comes with commands, rules, how to join a clan, and admins list menus! Version 3 comes with a menu to give free guns!

Cookie's Popups Details Version: 3.1.1
Updated:2008-01-28 01:07:52
Downloads: 3727

SimpleDeathMatch Screenshot
by 3R10N
A very nice DeathMatch Script full of hours of Butt Munching Fun :)

SimpleDeathMatch Details Version: 1.1a
Updated:2008-02-19 18:55:57
Downloads: 9346

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