User Addons

players have to type !god and receive a random message from God [Fun Plugin :D]

god_says Details Version: 1.01
Updated:2008-01-26 02:16:37
Downloads: 4813

A different and pretty version of the common status list ordered by teams - with IP, Country and Entity Index

Pretty Status List Details Version: 1.02.001
Updated:2011-01-23 13:45:06
Downloads: 12387

Serverside Buyscript with many features including purchasing weapons per buymenu (popup), enabling specific weapons (per team), checks for buyzone, money, buytime (can be disabled), helpmenu, multi lingual

Ultimate Buyscript Details Version: 3.00
Updated:2009-03-22 15:06:28
Downloads: 18613

smauth is libary that parses and allowed access to SourceMod's admin files. It also ships with an authprovider that you can use if you do not wish to use the API directly.

Sourcemod Auth Provider (Python) Details Version: Lib: V 1.02.002 | Service: V 1.00.002 | ESS: V 1.0
Updated:2013-01-15 12:44:11
Downloads: 20301

Empires API has been provided to create some easy to use and more natrual functions/classes for empiresmod.

empires_api Details Version: 0.10 Alpha
Updated:2009-06-09 08:54:53
Downloads: 4704


Rule Display Details Version: 1.00
Updated:2007-11-16 13:08:02
Downloads: 3059

Allows you to register a public cvar in python. Acts as some sort of workaround for es.makepublic being broken.

pubcvarlib Details Version: 1.00.000
Updated:2010-09-04 15:01:19
Downloads: 2937

Server Advertisements fetched from a MySQL datebase. Includes Translation feature! (Script is intended for advanced users)

MySQL Advertisements Details Version: 1.02.000
Updated:2010-10-21 17:51:39
Downloads: 10053

A simple plugin that can show health, armor and the current amount of team members to players.

Health Display Details Version: 1.00.001
Updated:2010-11-09 13:02:51
Downloads: 4579

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