Addons by Tag

[OB] Predator V2.2 Screenshot
by sinik44
Un seul terroriste (Le predator) contre tous les Humains. Le Predator doit exterminer les Humains.

[OB] Predator V2.2 Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2011-07-19 11:49:42
Downloads: 42512

Marine Vs Predator Screenshot
Aliens have invaded Earth and there Stealthy . Counter-Terrorist Are now the Fbi and got to kill off the Invasion before they kill them!!!

Marine Vs Predator Details Version: 0.5
Updated:2009-01-18 01:41:39
Downloads: 16535

Preda-Horde Screenshot
by Bioko
One side, a horde of super predators (they can only attack with a knife) who are half invisibly, got 500hp, go very fast and who can make high jump. Annother side, a simply squad of well equiped and armed humans who got 150hp with their brains to survive!

Preda-Horde Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2009-08-14 12:30:56
Downloads: 4757

HideExec: Marines Vs Predators [BETA][OB] Screenshot
Marines must fight for survival against the predators!

HideExec: Marines Vs Predators [BETA][OB] Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-10-06 03:59:22
Downloads: 10926

HideExec: Marines VS Predators 2012 Screenshot
A handful of marines were sent in to destroy an unknown threat, now the hunter has become to hunted.

HideExec: Marines VS Predators 2012 Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2012-09-19 06:03:25
Downloads: 7541

Alien Vs. Predator Mod Screenshot
Fun mod for CSS based on Alien Vs. Predator

Alien Vs. Predator Mod Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-03-21 23:01:29
Downloads: 4777

Predator Horde 1.1 beta release Screenshot
by Bioko
Predator Horde is a complete mod where soldiers of a futuristic army have to deal against fast, strong and stealth predators. Both teams are controlled by humans player and the mod is fully configurable ! There is also many features specially made for PH

Predator Horde 1.1 beta release Details Version: 1.1.beta
Updated:2010-05-28 11:15:55
Downloads: 5059

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