Allows clients/admins (configurable) to give target(s) Cash/Health/Items/Weapons.
The target can be any of the following:
- A player's name
- A player's partial name
- A player's steamid
- A player's userid
& script also works with playerlib filters however unncessary filters are unregistered in this script, if you need any of the following in other scripts, you can remove the lines:
There is also an extra filter registered as default: #admin allowing any admins through an authorization service to be categorised as one filter.
The syntax and usage of the command directly is as follows:
[code]<giveCommand> <playerFilters/targetName/targetSteamid/targetUserid> <type> <value>[/code]
There are tell messages that manage each incorrect argument individually to ensure that the script is informative. Alternatively, a player can type @give to receive the syntax message and also potentially go about giving a single target any of the properties via popupmenus.
[color=green]Automatic [/color]
-> es_install extensiveGive -autoload
-> Add the following line to your .../<gameDir>/cfg/autoexec.cfg:
:: es_load extensiveGive
-> Alternatively to load manually:
:: rcon es_load extensiveGive
-> Restart your server
[color=green]Manual [/color]
-> Extract Downloadable .zip file to .../<gameDir>/
-> Add the following line to your .../<gameDir>/cfg/autoexec.cfg:
:: es_load extensiveGive
-> Alternatively to load manually:
:: rcon es_load extensiveGive
-> Restart your server
Version Notes For 1.1
Updated on: 2009-06-22 12:19:34 EST by Adz (View Zip Contents)
[size=18][color=blue]Update [v1.1][/color][/size]
- Fixed configurable syntax message description.
- Change group auth permission name to: "extensiveGive".
- Popup displays after a selection so that more than 1 weapon/item can be given to a pre-selected target.
- Removed unregistering of certain playerlib filters.
- Fixed sayFilter error.
- Remove buggy boolean configurable variables.