Addons by Tag

Happy Hour Screenshot
A highly customizable Happy Hour script which will give every player weapons and equipment for free at the period you define.

Happy Hour Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-26 13:24:29
Downloads: 26028

WeaponGiver Screenshot
by XaM
Tu peux donner des armes avec ce menu d'admin -- You can easly give weapons with this menu

WeaponGiver Details Version: 3.1
Updated:2008-07-09 05:11:29
Downloads: 26153

Unlimited Ammo Screenshot
Allows players to have unlimited ammo for their primary & secondary weapon

Unlimited Ammo Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-07-21 17:08:01
Downloads: 10445

Extensive Give Screenshot
by Adz
Easily give: Cash/Health/Items/Weapons via a command or via a menu [Optimised Code]

Extensive Give Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-06-22 12:19:34
Downloads: 7186

Weapons Menu Screenshot
by Moonie
A menu with a list of all weapons which you can give yourself and only admins are allowed to use it.

Weapons Menu Details Version: 1.2.2
Updated:2009-02-11 09:38:50
Downloads: 10597

by mag
Ce script vous permettra en tapant !givemenu dans le tchat d'accéder à un menu comportant ces 2 commandes : Celle de vie et celle de l'armure.

give Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-04-30 13:07:57
Downloads: 6314

BackRaw's CashGive Screenshot
by BackRaw
simply give other players money or receive theirs

BackRaw's CashGive Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-11-28 12:09:29
Downloads: 4594

by mehrdad
A script that allows you to spawn weapons by tying for example !ak47, !henade, !xm, !awp, and much more! Has many customized options to let the user let only specific types of weapons allowed to do so...

Weaps Details Version: 1.2 [Fix2]
Updated:2007-09-14 17:34:08
Downloads: 10341

by Frodo
Buy ammo when you are in trouble!

Emergency Ammo Details Version: 1.04b
Updated:2008-06-09 07:43:23
Downloads: 10044


Weapons giver corrected Details Version: corrected
Updated:2008-09-08 08:56:14
Downloads: 2822

This addon allows you to get your admin back if some one removes it!

aBack Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2009-10-03 14:46:41
Downloads: 2588

by Refrus
A Menu where you can buy Pistols from CT's and T's

Pistolbuyer - inEasy Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-10-31 12:10:15
Downloads: 2678

[PHE] Cash (give 16000$) Screenshot
by wesi
This script sets the cash of all players every round

[PHE] Cash (give 16000$) Details Version: v1.1
Updated:2010-03-20 01:53:23
Downloads: 6354

RiG-Cash Screenshot
Ever player will get every round 16000$

RiG-Cash Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-20 13:39:34
Downloads: 4613


Give 16000$ money Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2010-05-12 06:03:16
Downloads: 2932

donne de l'argent défini au début du round

Cash V1.0.0-D Details Version: V 1.0.2B
Updated:2010-12-15 12:59:25
Downloads: 4445

by thrawn
Permet a un joueur de donner a n'importe quel autre joueur de l'argent de sa cagnote. By Darwin Tounga

Donnercash Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-01-27 12:12:51
Downloads: 2634

Will give you weapons / change your team to spec

Go spec/give weapons Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2014-07-05 10:55:51
Downloads: 2374

!Give - Fast Reload for Gun Game 5.1. Fully customizable.

GG Give - !give Details Version: 1.0.3
Updated:2011-09-17 21:33:17
Downloads: 2728

WeaponAdmin Screenshot
A Weapon-give-menu for admins!

WeaponAdmin Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2012-05-28 08:40:40
Downloads: 2783

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