This is the long awaited conversion of my first script D&D CS:S to the much faster Python Scripting Language. Every thing in the script has been revamped from the code to what to powers do - it is basically a whole new mod.
Dungeons and Dragons: Source adds a unique leveling system to Counter Strike: Source. Each player has both a race and class that aid them, or their team mates, in different way to add more flavor and spice to standard CSS.
The Public Release includes the following:
[*]Doppel Ganger
[*]Half Troll
[*]Ethereal Filcher
Prestige Classes:
[list][*]Exotic Weapons Master
[*]Ghost Faced Killer
[*]Acolyte of Skin
[*]Eldritch Shadow[/list]
Every included package has been decently tested so they all should be relatively stable.
Note to Scripters -
A HUGE new feature in this version of the mod is that all races/classes/prestige classes are now modular! Meaning each one is contained in it's own little file for easy editing/removing. So please feel free to write your own and post them on for others to use to further expand the customization of D&D:Source. I have created helpful wrapper functions for almost everything you can think of so creating new material is decently easy. Use already existing races as a guide or feel free to post in the script's thread for help or hit me up on AIM/Steam.
Extract the provided zip file to .addons/eventscripts/dnds
Then run es_load dnds in your server console (or add it to the autoexec.cfg)
Version Notes For 0.6.2
Updated on: 2009-10-18 16:38:09 EST by Jeff91 (View Zip Contents)
Handful of minor bug fixes.