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mapfix Screenshot
by stabby
MapFix is a script which allows you to modify/edit maps serverside without a map editor, useful for: entity manipulation, adding/removing props, blocking out spots, fixing spawnpoints or creating new spots.all can be done automatically via CFG files.

mapfix Details Version: 0.2c
Updated:2010-03-24 11:52:55
Downloads: 11916

Hi this is super_admin in swedish version now :D and fixed the bugs.. like !menu .. so now it is fixed / Hejsan! nu har jag fixat super_admin alla buggarna är nog fixade får jag hoppas.. hoppas du tycker om den :)

Super_admin in swedish *fixed* + es_tools 0.420  Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2010-04-09 10:04:35
Downloads: 3426

TraceBacks in Popups Screenshot
by oliVier
Une gestion différente des tracebacks.

TraceBacks in Popups Details Version: 1
Updated:2011-03-10 17:05:42
Downloads: 2732

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