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yATF_ES - mrYoung Anti-TeamFlash ES - Version 0.5b3

posted on 2007-01-20 08:05:34
by mryoung



[b]yATF_ES - mrYoung Anti-TeamFlash ES[/b] [u]Features[/u]: [list][*]Annonce TeamFlasher in chat. [*]Protect against SpawnFlash. [*]Restrict Flashbang based on [list][*]Spawn team flashing [*]Percent of the team flashed with 1 teamflash [*]Cumulative number of teamates flashed (with 1 or multiple teamflashs)[/list][/list] This addon is designed only for Counter-Strike Source. This addons was inspired by Medda, with his "Medda_ATFS". I wanted an anti-team flash system, but with different features as the ones included in Medda_ATFS.

Version Notes For 0.5b3

Updated on: 2007-10-31 21:21:23 EST by mryoung (View Zip Contents)
!!! Correcting a bug where a server crashs can happend with "spawn protection" feature ... Cleaning Code (will become the 1.0rc1)

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