[b]Hello all,[/b]
[i]I'm proud to release my first addon for wcs :)
Coded in python.[/i]
The addon gives members of your clan 1 xp every 10 seconds.
Donators get 5xp every 10 seconds!
The addon checks for steam-id's,
So you'll have to add the steam-id's manually!
[color=black][b]How to edit: [/b][/color]
You can find these codes in the script itself (easy to edit with Notepad++) :
Here you put the Steam ID of the donators:
[code]xpDonatorPlayer = ['STEAM_ID'][/code]
Here you put the Steam ID of the members of your clan:
[code]xpMemberPlayer= ['STEAM_ID1', 'STEAM_ID2'][/code]
Separated by an , .
[code]xpDonate = 5[/code]
The amount of xp for donators every 10 seconds
[code]xpMember = 1[/code]
The amount of xp for members every 10 seconds
[code]time = 10[/code]
The delaytime for having people get xp!
This all is still basic, but I'll have the things which I will update soon.
####Thank you Mr.Malinka for helping me out with unnoying problems