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MugMod by Mattie - Version V0.71

posted on 2006-05-07 12:10:35
by Mattie

Tags: cash css sounds


[color=blue][size=24][b]MugMod v0.71 by Mattie[/b][/size][/color] [size=16]MugMod allows you to steal your victim's cash (mug them) when you kill them with a knife.[/size] [color=blue][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] [color=green]------------------------------[/color] [list][*]EventScripts v1.0 [/list][color=green]------------------------------[/color] [color=blue][b]Features:[/b][/color] [color=green]------------------------------[/color][list][*]Any knife kill will steal all of the victim's money. [*]An "owned" sound will play whenever a knife kill happens. [/list][color=green]------------------------------[/color] [color=blue][b]Notes:[/b][/color] [color=green]------------------------------[/color][list][*]The plugin version of MugMod will no longer be supported. This is now the official version. [*]This is a new 'Script Addon" rather than a script pack. It requires v1.0 of EventScripts. [*]To enable, add [b]es_load mugmod[/b] to your [u]autoexec.cfg[/u]. [/list][color=green]------------------------------[/color] Let me know if you have questions or comments. Enjoy! -Mattie

Version Notes For V0.71

Updated on: 2007-07-13 13:40:50 EST by Mattie
Comes with EventScripts archive.

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