HLStatsX Punisher v1.1
- Gives your admins the power to remove HLStatsX ranking points from people currently playing on the server.
- EventScripts [b]v2.0[/b] or higher
- Use of [b]Admin Auth[/b] in a server configuration file
- [url=]MySQL-DB for Python[/url]
- Place [b][/b] into addons/eventscripts/[b]hlpunish[/b].
- Edit these variables to your MySQL database settings:
[code]#Replace the default values for your MySQL database
hlp_host = "localhost"
hlp_user = "user"
hlp_pass = "password"
hlp_db = "database"[/code]
- Add the [b]MySQL-DB[/b] module to the addons folder.
- Add [b]es_load hlpunish[/b] to your [b]autoexec.cfg[/b]
Using HLStatsX Punisher
- Use the command [b]!hlpunish [/b] in your chat window, replacing with your reason for punishing by points. For example:
[b]!hlpunish spamming chat[/b] would result in saying "You have had points deducted for spamming chat"
- This is my first ESPy script (but not my first ES script), so please be nice to me!
Version Notes For KwikFix 2 for v1.1
Updated on: 2007-11-26 11:20:27 EST by ashbash1987
KwikFix 2 for v1.1
- A slight edit in the registration of the say command. It now registers as an admin command now, rather than a public command, then checked to see if it's called by an admin.
( Previous Versions )