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CheeTaHs Double Jump - Version 1.4

posted on 2011-03-30 12:49:21
Led by TheCheeTaH
Collaborators: Fnuggi

Requires: [url=]Client KeyPress (OrangeBox)[/url](Which requires [url=]Source Python Extensions[/url]) (Recommend!) OR: [url=]sm2es keyPress[/url] (Not recommend!) You do NOT need both. Just one of them! - If you use Client KeyPress (OrangeBox), then you have to use the fix posted here:


With this little addon you can jump multiple times in the air. You can configure the force the user is pushed with. You can also change the times he can jump. You can even set minimum time between each jump. I couldn't seem to find any double jump addon on ESAM, so I chose to create one myself. And besides that a friend of mine, Fnuggi, tried to create one - In ESS though. But it didn't seem possible! - It has only been tested on Counter-Strike: Source, but it might work on other games aswell!(:


Extract to cstrike\ add the line[code]es_xload cdj[/code] to your cstrike\cfg\autoexec.cfg file - Create it yourself if it doesn't exists! Finally restart your server. Oh yea, also, configure the script before you restart the server.

Version Notes For 1.4

Updated on: 2011-06-01 10:33:18 EST by TheCheeTaH (View Zip Contents)
The script now allows you to give the player an extra boost if the player is falling while trying to do the extra jump.[quote] ## How much extra boost he gets from his falling speed. ## Ex: #### If this is set to 1 , the push he will get is: (Push_Value + (falling_speed * 1)) #### If this is set to 0.5, the push he will get is: (Push_Value + (falling_speed * 0.5)) #### If this is set to 2 , the push he will get is: (Push_Value + (falling_speed * 2)) #### If this is set to 0 , the push he will get is: (Push_Value + (falling_speed * 0)) (Just Push_Value) Extra_Boost_If_Falling = 1[/quote]

( Previous Versions )