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XCN-L.R.C (LowRateChecker) ScreenShot

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XCN-L.R.C (LowRateChecker) - Version 2.1.2

posted on 2008-07-17 12:12:39
by M4rc3L-XCN


[color=blue][b]Require: Eventscripts !!![/b][/color] DON'T FORGET TO W00T [color=red]===== ENGLISH =====[/color] Kicked the players from the server if they have LowRates or Fakepings You can change the Mode of the Script # (1) Kick from Server # (2) Warn and Kick after Checktime # (3) Only Warn [color=red]===== GERMAN =====[/color] Kickt Spieler vom Server die falsche Netsettings oder Fakeping haben. Man kann zwischen 3 Moden wählen # (1) Kick from Server # (2) Warn and Kick after Checktime # (3) Only Warn [color=orange][b][u]NEW ON VERSION 2.1.2[/u][/b][/color] [color=orange]*NEW* new Config[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* new Code[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* faster[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* check for updates[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* can set a Rate area (e.g 50 - 101)[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* can Ban a Player after X kicks[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* Can change her Name[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* Can move to Spectator[/color] [color=orange]*NEW* have german and english support[/color]


[color=blue][b]Require: Eventscripts !!![/b][/color] [color=purple]Configuration in the xcn_lrc/settings.txt write [b]es_load xcn_lrc[/b] in your autoexec.cfg[/color] [syntax="python"]# --- RATES --- # # Minimum cl_cmdrate xcnlrc_mincmdrate 50 # Maximum cl_cmdrate xcnlrc_maxcmdrate 101 # # Minimum cl_updaterate xcnlrc_minupdaterate 50 # Maximum cl_updaterate xcnlrc_maxupdaterate 101 # # Minimum rate xcnlrc_minrate 10000 # Maximum rate xcnlrc_maxrate 30000 # # --- KICKMODE --- # # (1) Kick from Server # (2) Warn and Kick after Checktime # (3) Only Warn xcnlrc_kickmode 2 # # Checktime for Kickmode 2 (in seconds)(def. 90) xcnlrc_checktime 90 # # --- SPECTATOR --- # # Move the LowRate Player to Spectator [works with mode 2,3](def. 0) xcnlrc_spectator 0 # # --- CHANGE NAME --- # # Change the Name of the LowRate Player [works with mode 2,3](def. 0) xcnlrc_changename 0 # StartName for the LowRate Player xcn_lrc_changename_name LowRates! # # --- BAN PLAYER --- # # Ban Players [works with mode 1,2](0=off/1=on) xcnlrc_banplayers 0 # Ban Players after X kicks (def. 5) xcnlrc_banplayers_kicks 5 # Ban time (0=permanent or >0 in minutes) xcnlrc_banplayers_time 30 # # --- RateInfo Popup --- # # Send a Popup and a Consolemessage to the user with say #rates or lrc_rates cMD Command (0=off/1=on) xcnlrc_view_rateinfo 1 # #[/syntax]

Version Notes For 2.1.2

Updated on: 2009-06-25 16:09:23 EST by M4rc3L-XCN (View Zip Contents)
bug fix and new lines...

( Previous Versions )