Addons by Tag

IRCss Screenshot
by oliVier
Lance un bot sur un chan irc depuis un server srcds. / Start IRC bot from game server. [python]

IRCss Details Version: 1.3.2
Updated:2010-10-24 20:30:39
Downloads: 16627

by oliVier
Les armes glock et usp deviennent un cannon qui tue le joueur visé selon le temps d'appui sur +attack.

PowerCannon Details Version: 1c
Updated:2010-11-17 12:44:13
Downloads: 9529

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
Its a little addon which allows you to Exchange your money ($) for more HP. You will open the menu with "!health" into the Chat.

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-01-07 20:25:33
Downloads: 2701

RandomCash Screenshot
by oliVier
Donne entre 0 et 16000$ à chaque round.

RandomCash Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-11-07 16:25:46
Downloads: 4936

NoBlock Screenshot
NoBlock Addon

NoBlock Details Version: v 1.0
Updated:2010-11-13 08:36:41
Downloads: 2993

by oliVier
Remplace la He par une bombe a retardement.

he_Dynamite Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2010-11-19 07:45:39
Downloads: 8043

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