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ZombieMod Admin System - Version 1.0

posted on 2009-08-08 16:25:48
by Owned|Myself


In preparation for the Newest ZombieMod Public Beta release, I decided to make this! It requires: ES 2.0+ ZombieMod 2.0.1D The newest beta can be found at on their forums in the announcements section. ------------------------- These are the Features: Punishments: - Slay - Disarm - Zombify Player Commands: - Force Spawn - Force Teleport - Force Unstuck Server Commands: - Enable Respawn - Disable Respawn - Voice Off - Voice On - Enable Zombie Talk - Disable Zombie Talk ----------------------- These are all the features I've come up with so far :) You can suggest new stuff in the thread when I actually make it! *REQUIRED INFORMATION*: The command to bring up the main menu is: [color=red]!zadmin[/color] Before I forget :P


Install to: addons/eventscripts/zmodadmin and place the in there. -------------------- For the Config file: Load the Addon at least once and the CFG file will be created. These are the settings you can edit: [code] // ============================================================ // ===========ZombieMod Admin System Configuration============= // ============================================================ // Phrase Settings: // The Phrase to force a player to say when they are made to respawn respawnphrase "!zspawn" // The phrase to force a player to say when they are made to teleport telephrase "!ztele" // The phrase to force a player to say when they are made to "unstuck" stuckphrase "!zstuck" // Menu Settings: // If set to 1, Enables Server Commands Option. Otherwise, it does not function zscomenable 1 [/code] More may be added in the future when more features are added. Maybe. ---------------------------- To edit the admins, Open up the file and look for this line: [syntax="python"] admin_list = ['STEAM_ID_LAN'] [/syntax] More admins can be placed in the brackets. To add more it should look like this: [syntax="python"] admin_list = ['STEAM_ID_LAN','STEAM_ID_EXAMPLE'] [/syntax] No Spaces! More than 2 can be added. --------------- In your Autoexec.cfg: [code] es_load zmodadmin [/code]

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2009-08-08 16:47:33 EST by Owned|Myself (View Zip Contents)
Current Options: Punishments: - Slay - Disarm - Zombify Player Commands: - Force Spawn - Force Teleport - Force Unstuck Server Commands: - Enable Respawn - Disable Respawn - Voice Off - Voice On - Enable Zombie Talk - Disable Zombie Talk Forgot to remove my Admin Steam ID's, which is why I reuploaded!

( Previous Versions )