A simple, yet very handy script.
This should save people a lot of time with map configs.
* EventScripts v1.2 (or higher)
* ZombieMod (most any version)
* This plugin launches ZombieMod when the server changes to a ZM or ZE map.
* While this script is extremely simple, it is also very handy.
* Please do not go and call this work your own. Thanks.
1. Extract the "addons" folder to your "cstrike" directory of your SRCDS installation. Overwrite any files if asked.
2. Open/Edit/Create your autoexec.cfg in your cstrike/cfg directory and add the following text to the bottom of it:
es_load zmload
3. Open/Edit your zombiemod.cfg in your cstrike/cfg/zombiemod directory and search for the following text. If it isn't there, add it to the bottom of the file instead. Both methods will work fine.
zombie_startup 0
4. Restart your server, and enjoy!
If you find any bugs, please report them.
Thanks and enjoy. =D