Well, it's my first mod ever, so don't rage just cause it's wrong. I just wanted to start learning ES modding because it'll be cool to know coding and to make mods that you might see on other servers.
What it really does is when someone gets a headshot, a "boom headshot" soundclip plays. If you're wondering what soundclip it is, it's FPS Doug saying : BOOM headshot!!
It tells the attacker which person he headshotted and in the middle of the screen it says "HEADSHOT!!". If you don't really like some of the features, just remove them. Thanks.
Install into eventscripts folder.
Put es_load xzheadshot in your autoexec.cfg
Restart your server.
If you want to do it manually, just do it throught rcon.
Install into eventscripts folder.
If you have mani, you can type ma_rcon es_load xzheadshot
Otherwise, type in your password and type rcon es_load xzheadshot
Have fun :0
Version Notes For v2
Updated on: 2009-05-04 22:11:06 EST by xarczai (View Zip Contents)