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Scout Restriction (scoutzknivez) ScreenShot

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Scout Restriction (scoutzknivez) - Version 1.2

posted on 2008-03-23 12:00:00
by Wesnc



This addon is for scoutzknivez which allows you to restrict the scout for a knife only round, has serval vars that allow you to change the gravity and knives only. [color=green]Configable Varibles[/color] [code] //Knives only? es_xset wes_scoutrestrict_knivesonly 1 //What map for this script to activate on? es_xset wes_scoutrestrict_map scoutzknivez //What do you want the gravity to be set at? es_xset wes_scoutrestrict_grav 305 //Strip the player? (This is HIGHLY RECCOMENDED TO BE SET AT 1) es_xset wes_scoutrestrict_strip 1 [/code] [size=24][color=green]Planned Features[/color][/size] [list] [*]Python version [/list] [b][color=green]Installation[/color][/b] [list=1] [*](ZIP)Extract to your cstrike folder. -(TXT) Extract the file to your cstrike/addons/eventscripts/wes_scoutrestrict ( if it doesnt exist, then create it.) [*]Add [code]autoexec.cfg[/code] your cfg/autoexec.cfg file. [*]Edit the varibles at the top of the script to fit your liking. [*]Start your server and enjoy. [/list]


[list=1] [*]Extract to your cstrike folder. [*]Add [code]autoexec.cfg[/code] your cfg/autoexec.cfg file. [*]Edit the varibles at the top of the script to fit your liking. [*]Start your server and enjoy. [/list]

Version Notes For 1.2

Updated on: 2008-03-25 16:15:02 EST by Wesnc
[CHANGE] - player_spawn to round_start [CHANGE] - Knives only enabled line

( Previous Versions )