[b][size=24][color=blue]Waterguns[/color][/size][/b] [size=24]by Mattie[/size]
[size=16][color=blue]Waterguns[/color] causes "splash damage" by making water sounds and effects whenever you shoot an enemy.[/size]
[color=green]------------------------------[/color][list][*]When a player is hurt, a water-splash effect occurs.
[*]This script is incredibly short. I'm just releasing it as an example of a cool trick.
[*]It has the highest coolness-to-length ratio of any script I've ever written.
[color=green]------------------------------[/color][list][*]Download [url=]es_waterguns.txt[/url]
[*]Place it into [b]cstrike/addons/eventscripts/waterguns/es_waterguns.txt[/b]
[*]Add: [b]es_load waterguns[/b] to you autoexec.cfg.
[*]Restart your server!
[color=blue][b]Code:[/b][/color] (yes, this is all of it)
[color=green]------------------------------[/color][syntax="es"]event player_hurt
es_fire event_var(userid) !self DispatchEffect WaterSurfaceExplosion
Let me know if you have questions or comments. Enjoy!