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Votemute Portuguese - Version 1.0

posted on 2010-06-16 17:21:28
by rodrapt

Tags: css


//Portuguese Qualquer jogador que escreva no chat !votemute inicia uma votação contra outro jogador, se a votação receber votos suficientes o jogador será muted, ou seja, será impedido de falar através do seu micro. # Se o jogador fizer retry, o mute não será retirado; //English Any player who type !votemute in the server chat, iniciate a vote to mute other player in the server. If the vote wins (needs the votes from other players), the player in question will be muted. # If the player retry's, the mute will be not retired;


[b]//Portuguese[/b] 1º - Tranfira a pasta votemute, para a pasta addons. 2º - Adicione no ficheiro autoexec.cfg: // !Votemute [ON] es_load votemutept --------------------------------------------------------- [b]//English[/b] 1º - Put the "votemute" folder in the folfer "addons" 2º - Add to the autoexec.cfg file the following words: // !Votemute [ON] es_load votemutept

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2010-06-16 17:21:28 EST by rodrapt (View Zip Contents)
Portuguese - Version By: Ródra PT

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