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Trophies - Version v2.0

posted on 2008-05-24 07:43:40
by bobdole


Players can now claim a trophy from a dead players body, adding to their collection. Who can collect the most? A player can see the Top 10 trophy hunters by typing : 'ttop10' into chat. They can also see how many trophies they themselves have collected by typing : 'trophies' into chat. To claim a trophy, all a player has to do is bind a key to 'claim' and press their binded key whilst standing next to a trophy-marker. A player can now type 'trank' into chat to message their rank to the server, even if they are not currently in the top10 listing. A player can now also type 'tstats' to see a popup containing their current trophy count, rank and the amount of trophies they need to collect to overtake the person who is above them on the ranking ladder. There are also two server-variables that can be changed from the console. 'trophies_claimdistance' - The distance in game units that a player must be within to claim a trophy. 'trophies_spectatorclaim' - If set to 1, dead or spectating players can claim trophies.


Unzip directly into your /cstrike/ folder. Add "es_load trophies" to you autoexec.cfg. You're all done! Happy hunting!

Version Notes For v2.0

Updated on: 2008-06-04 05:13:24 EST by bobdole (View Zip Contents)
Big jump to 2.0, but with good cause. I have added an external config file that will obviously gain more options as the script progresses. For now, these changes have been made: 'trophies_claimdistance' - The distance in game units that a player must be within to claim a trophy. 'trophies_spectatorclaim' - If set to 1, dead or spectating players can claim trophies.

( Previous Versions )