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Legendary Gaming TK Manager - Version v1.0.1

posted on 2009-07-04 15:42:01
by infamous1



Legendary Gaming Team Kill Manager (LG TK Manager) was created by: [LG] Infamous. Depending on the settings, set in the LGT.cfg file, this script will either open a menu, if you are TKed, with different options or hurt the TKer. (Or do nothing.) ESTools & ES 1.5 are required. For this script to function properly, [u]Mp_Friendlyfire[/u] [b]must[/b] be set to [u]1[/u]. [b]Comfortable with:[/b] [img] icons/css.png[/img] Counter-Strike: Source. [b]Thank-you, iSebastian (Sebastian), for teaching me how to script.[/b]


1. Download the ZIP file, using the download button on this page. 2. Extract the folders onto your desktop. 3. Merge both addons and cfg folders, into your gameservers folders. 4. Add, "es_load tkmanager," into your Autoexec.cfg. (Without the "s or the ,)

Version Notes For v1.0.1

Updated on: 2009-07-04 16:07:15 EST by infamous1 (View Zip Contents)
ESTools & ES 1.5 are required. For this script to function properly, [u]Mp_Friendlyfire[/u] [b]must[/b] be set to [u]1[/u].

( Previous Versions )