This script is a teamkill menu similar to mani admin's. However, a few fun features that are modifications/afresh over mani admin. It is completely standalone and requires no other downloads other than eventscripts 2.x of course.
Extract the file to your cstrike directory.
To run, either:
a) add the following line to your autoexec.cfg found in cstrike/cfg/:
es_load teamkill
b) manually type in your server console or any inversion:
rcon es_load teamkill
Lastly, once this addon is approved, it may be directly installed onto your server via:
es_install teamkill +autoload.
Version Notes For v1.0
Updated on: 2009-03-01 15:36:21 EST by Adz (View Zip Contents)
(Same as previous)
I got folder path wrong for approval status :).