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Survivor Heal - Version 1.0

posted on 2008-08-23 02:06:24
by shaunh


A small !heal (health pack) mod which promotes team work. It allows you to set the number of health packs a player will recieve per round, how much they can heal themself for, how much they can heal others for and you can enable and set the health for players to be crippled (reduced movement speed) at. It uses a custom built target system that is much more reliable at identifying a target you are trying to heal It registers two say commands: [b]!heal[/b] - Type or bind to a key to initiate a heal [b]!healhelp[/b] - This will send helpful instructions on how to heal yourself and your teammates. [b]!healhelp text:[/b](using default values) [i]Bind a key to say !heal When used and targeting another player you will heal him for 40 health. When used without targeting another player you will heal yourself for 25. Get close and get your cursor in the center of your target to heal them.[/i] [color=red]Much thanks to SuperDave, bonbon, Freddukes, Jeff91 and GODJones for answering all my questions on the forums and the irc channel :)[/color]


Place this file in [i]cstrike/addons/eventscripts/surivorheal/[/i] and use [i]es_load survivorheal[/i] to load it. To configure open up in a text editor and change the values which are set in Globals: ''' Globals ''' [color=green]How much a player will heal themself for[/color] gHeal_Self_Amount = 25 [color=green]How much a player will heal his target for[/color] gHeal_Target_Amount = 40 [color=green]Which teams are allowed to use !heal Terrorist = 2, CT = 3 For example you can use gTeams_Allowed = '2' to only allow T's to use this command.[/color] gTeams_Allowed = '2, 3' [color=green]Number of health packs players get per round[/color] gHealth_Packs = 2 [color=green]Enable being crippled. True or False[/color] gCrippled = True [color=green]Speed at which a player will move when crippled. 1 = normal speed[/color] gCrippled_Speed = '0.6' [color=green]Health below which a player will become crippled.[/color] gCrippled_Health = 30

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2008-08-23 02:43:59 EST by shaunh
First release!

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