This is an in-game radio using The idea is that is very similar to SourceMod's Radio so that players can seamlessly use it. One major difference being that SM: Radio uses popups to list all the stations but I have categorized them by genre.
Players can access menu by saying !radio or /radio.
Players can switch radio off by saying !radiooff or /radiooff.
Big credits to Undead for letting me use [url=]Undead's Radio[/url] as a base starting point.
Add contents to your 'addons/eventscripts/' directory.
Add es_load sourceradio to your autoexec.cfg
Restart your server
Version Notes For 1.5
Updated on: 2008-08-18 15:30:16 EST by theresthatguy (View Zip Contents)
Updated to take advantage of ES 248c