Controls server timescale for slow motion or speeding up time when only bots are playing. Also provides bullet tracers. Requires only ES
Options:[syntax="es"]// SloMoMod release 4 options
// ./addons/eventscripts/slomomod/slomomod.cfg
// Load this addon with: es_load slomomod
// This addon will set sv_cheats to 1 when it alters timescale. Of course, when sv_cheats is 1 players will be allowed to cheat.
// Be aware of this and play with people you trust.
// "There is no legacy so great as honesty." - William Shakespeare
// This addon will also suppress the chat area notification of sv_cheats changes while timescale is altered.
// Thanks to MBchrono for this idea! MB_Bullettime can be found here:
// ***** General options *****
// 0 = sv_cheats notification will only be suppressed when changed by SloMoMod, 1 = sv_cheats notification will be suppressed for the life of the server
slomomod_cheat_notify 0
// 0 = no slow motion when the bomb is planted, 1 = only end-of-round slow motion when the bomb is planted, 2 = full slow motion when the bomb is planted
slomomod_bomb_planted 1
// Default volume to play sounds from 0 to 1 inclusive
slomomod_sound_volume 0.8
// ***** Bullet tracer options *****
// 0 = no bullet tracers, 1 = show bullet tracers only during slow motion, 2 = always show bullet tracers
slomomod_tracer 1
// Note: This option requires eventscripts_noisy on to function. This addon will set eventscripts_noisy to 1 while bullet tracers are in effect.
// More information on eventscripts_noisy can be found here:
// 0 = no artificial kill trace, 1 = create an artificial tracer from attackers to victims only when bullet tracers are in effect, 2 = create an artificial tracer from attackers to victims every kill
slomomod_tracer_kill 0
// Note: This option does NOT require eventscripts_noisy to function.
// 0 = only one tracer per weapon fire is allowed, 1 = trace all bullet impacts
slomomod_tracer_everyimpact 1
// Width of tracers at the player
slomomod_tracer_width_start 3
// Width of tracers at bullet impact
slomomod_tracer_width_end 1
// Minumim amount of noise (vibration) in tracers
slomomod_tracer_noise_min 0
// Maximum amount of noise (vibration) in tracers
slomomod_tracer_noise_max 3
// Number of seconds tracers are displayed
slomomod_tracer_delay_display 3
// Number of seconds tracers take to fade out
slomomod_tracer_delay_fade 1.5
// Brightness of tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_brightness 255
// Model of bullet tracers relative to ./materials/ with .vmt extension--model will not be downloaded by clients automatically
slomomod_tracer_model "sprites/laser.vmt"
// Intensity of red in Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_t_red 200
// Intensity of green in Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_t_green 0
// Intensity of blue in Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_t_blue 0
// Intensity of red in Counter-Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_ct_red 0
// Intensity of green in Counter-Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_ct_green 0
// Intensity of blue in Counter-Terrorist tracers from 0 to 255 inclusive
slomomod_tracer_color_ct_blue 200
// ***** Trigger options *****
// Use the following command to define when timescale should be altered:
// slomomod_add -trigger- -duration- -timescale- [interruptible] [sound] [volume]
// trigger - Name of the trigger the settings apply to (see below for a list of trigger names)
// duration - Duration of slow motion in seconds
// timescale - Number of game seconds that elapse in one real second during the slow motion
// interruptible - 0 = slow motion event cannot be interrupted by other events, 1 = slow motion event can be interrupted by other events
// - If omitted, interruptible defaults to 1
// sound - Sound to play when slow motion starts relative to ./sound/ and including extension -- automatically marked for download
// - If omitted, sound defaults to none ("")
// volume - Volume of sound from 0 to 1 inclusive
// - If omitted, volume defaults to the value of slomomod_sound_volume
// Place your slomomod_add commands below:
// Uncomment the following example options if you wish to use them:
// slomomod_add death_onestanding 9.5 0.1 1 music/stingers/industrial_suspense2.wav
// When a player dies leaving one living player: alter timescale to 0.1 seconds per real second for 9.5 seconds, do not let this trigger be interrupted, and play the specified sound.
// slomomod_add death_lastteam 6 0.2 1 music/stingers/HL1_stinger_song28.mp3
// When a player dies leaving no living player on the dead player's team: alter timescale to 0.2 seconds per real second for 6 seconds, do not let this trigger be interrupted, and play the specified sound.
// slomomod_add death_lasthuman 4 0.2
// When a human player dies leaving no living human players: alter timescale to 0.2 seconds per real second for 4 seconds.
// slomomod_add death_#sniper_headshot 2 0.3 1 npc/vort/foot_hit.wav 1
// When a player dies from a headshot with a sniper rifle: alter timescale to 0.3 seconds per real second for 2 seconds and play the specified sound at maximum volume.
// slomomod_add death_hegrenade 2 0.4
// When a player dies from an HE grenade: alter timescale to 0.4 seconds per real second for 2 seconds.
// slomomod_add bomb_exploded 10.5 0.1 0 npc/combine_gunship/gunship_crashing1.wav
// When the bomb explodes: alter timescale to 0.1 seconds per real second for 10.5 seconds, play the specified sound.
// slomomod_add bomb_defused 3 0.5
// When the bomb is defused: alter timescale to 0.5 seconds per real second for 3 seconds.
// slomomod_add roundend_timelimit 3 0.5
// When the round ends due to hostages not rescued, target not destroyed, or round draw, alter timescale to 0.5 seconds per real second for 3 seconds.
// slomomod_add only_bots 0 2.0
// When only bots are playing: alter timescale to 2.0 seconds per real second until a human player spawns.
// NOTE: If multiple triggers apply to a single event the most specific trigger will be used.
// (death_onestanding will be preferred over death_headshot, roundend_timelimit will be preferred over roundend, etc.)
// Trigger names in approximate order of priority:
// death_onestanding - Player death leaving only one player alive
// death_lastteam - Player death leaving no live players on the dead player's team
// death_lasthuman - Player death when the player is the last human (non-bot) player to die
// humandeath_-weapon-_headshot - Human player (non-bot) death from a headshot from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices)
// humankill_-weapon-_headshot - Player death from a headshot from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices) caused by a human player (non-bot)
// death_-weapon-_headshot - Player death from a headshot from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices)
// humandeath_-weapon- - Human player (non-bot) death from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices)
// humankill_-weapon- - Player death from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices) caused by a human player (non-bot)
// death_-weapon- - Player death from the -weapon- weapon or weapon type (see below for weapon choices)
// humandeath_headshot - Human player (non-bot) death from a headshot
// humankill_headshot - Player death from a headshot caused by a human player (non-bot)
// death_headshot - Player death from a headshot
// humandeath - Human player (non-bot) death
// humankill - Player death caused by a human player (non-bot)
// death - Player death
// bomb_exploded - Bomb exploded
// bomb_defused - Bomb defused
// hostage_killed - Hostage killed
// all_hostages_rescued - All hostages rescued
// hostage_rescued - Hostage rescued
// roundend_timelimit - Round end due to hostages not rescued, target not destroyed, or round draw
// roundend - Round end
// only_bots - Only bots are playing
// * only_bots has no defined duration. It continues until a human player spawns.
// The following weapon types are acceptable to replace -weapon- above and allow headshots (some overlap):
// #primary
// #rifle
// #shotgun
// #smg
// #sniper
// #secondary
// #pistol
// Headshots can be specified for the following weapons:
// deagle - Night Hawk .50C
// ak47 - CV-47
// scout - Schmidt Scout
// aug - Bullpup
// g3sg1 - D3/AU1
// galil - IDF Defender
// famas - Clarion 5.56
// m4a1 - Maverick M4A1 Carbine
// sg552 - Krieg 552
// sg550 - Krieg 550 Commando
// m249 - M249
// awp - Magnum Sniper Rifle
// tmp - Schmidt Machine Pistol
// mp5navy - KM Sub-Machine Gun
// glock - 9x19mm Sidearm
// elite - .40 Dual Elites
// m3 - Leone 12 Gauge Super
// xm1014 - Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun
// usp - KM .45 Tactical
// mac10 - Ingram MAC-10
// ump45 - KM UMP45
// p228 - 228 Compact
// fiveseven - ES Five-Seven
// p90 - ES C90
// The following weapons do not support headshots:
// hegrenade - HE Grenade
// knife - Knife
// team - Team
// team_suicide - Suicide
// other - Weapon that isn't listed
// ***** Command documentation *****
// This addon also makes available the following server commands:
// slomomod_start -duration- -timescale- [interruptible] [sound] [force sound download] [volume]
// - Triggers a custom timescale, arguments are similar to slomomod_add but without "trigger".
// slomomod_end [force end]
// - Returns timescale to normal
// force end - 0 = only end slow motion if it is interruptible, 1 = end slow motion regardless of interruptible status
// - If omitted, force end defaults to 0
// slomomod_remove -trigger-
// - Removes a trigger by name *Due to the fact triggers can be added and removed above, this command will not be used by most users
// trigger - Name of trigger to remove
// ***** Event documentation *****
// The following events will fire when timescale is altered and when timescale is returned to normal, respectively:
// slomomod_activate
// event_var(trigger) - Name of the trigger that activated slow motion
// event_var(duration) - Duration of the slow motion triggered
// event_var(timescale) - Timescale of the slow motion triggered
// slomomod_deactivate
// event_var(trigger) - Name of the trigger that activated the expiring slow motion[/syntax]
Please see the forum link below if you have questions or comments.