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Downloadfilter check - Version 1.0

posted on 2009-04-01 05:55:22
by BenSib


As requested I post this little script that checks if the connected client has any downloadfilter on. Admins can be sure that everyone hear the music that they are playing. I made this plugin for a mod that requires special sounds for all players (WCS:Python). Note: If filter is on, he will get a small Information menu 10 sec after connecting annoncing that he has filter on and that he will be kicked in 10 seconds. Feel free to modify it to your needs.


put es_load sib_dlcheck to your autoexec.cfg and restart server or load it manually via rcon.

Version Notes For 1.0

Updated on: 2009-04-01 05:55:21 EST by BenSib
Version 1.0

( Previous Versions )