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rio's Team Balancer - Version 0.1

posted on 2007-11-10 11:17:48
by Rio



[size=24][b]RTB v0.1[/b][/size] [size=18][b]Description:[/b][/size] rio's Team Balancer - most of the code was stolen or recoded from Ptahhotep's Team Balancer for amxx ;) [size=18][b]Requirements:[/b][/size] * Mattie Eventscripts (2.0) * ES Tools .418 [size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size] * Upload and unpack the scripts in your cstrike folder. * Edit the config settings in addons/eventscripts/rtb/ * Add this to your autoexec.cfg [syntax="es"]es_load rtb[/syntax] * Restart your server. [size=18][b]Config:[/b][/size] [syntax="es"]// transfer type (1 = normal, 2 = aggressive, 3 = very aggressive) rtb_transfer_type 1 // how many rounds a player has switch immunity (0 = off) rtb_switchimmunity 3 // steamIDs of your admins for switch immunity rtb_admins "STEAMID;STEAMID;" // max streak of a team until its the winnerteam rtb_maxstreak 2 // max score difference between the two teams rtb_maxscore 2 // max team size difference between the two teams rtb_maxdiff 2 // switch dead only rtb_deadonly 0 // force switch after x rounds (like switching alive players if deadonly is 1) rtb_forceswitch 3 // switch the first time after x rounds rtb_switchafter 4 // switch if there are x players on the server rtb_switchmin 4 // switch every x round rtb_switchfreq 2 // min rating rtb_minrating 1.5 // max rating rtb_maxrating 2.0 // sup rating rtb_superrating 3.0 [/syntax] [b]0.1[/b] first release enjoy it!

Version Notes For 0.1

Updated on: 2007-11-10 11:25:28 EST by Rio (View Zip Contents)
first release!

( Previous Versions )