For every map, this plugin remembers two spawn points (t and ct). When a player of those teams spawn, and there isn't already a spawn point saved: it will be created automatically. if you don't like the position it remembered, you can set it manually with the three admin commands: [b]/set_respawn_point_t,[/b] [b]/set_respawn_point_ct[/b], and [b]/set_respawn_point_all[/b]. The command players can use to teleport to one of these locations is [b]/respawn[/b]. In addition to teleporting players to these pre-defined locations, it will also respawn dead players to them.
You'll need #admin privs with the ES auth system; You can get this by making yourself admin with basic_auth (
Standard install: extract zip file from with /cstrike/
Load: es_load respawnto