[size=24][b]rADMIN v0.1b[/b][/size]
Admin Plugin with many options.
* Mattie Eventscripts ( +)
* ES_Tools .418+
* popup, vote, keymenu (loaded in the script)
* Upload and unpack the scripts in your cstrike folder.
* Edit the config settings in addons/eventscripts/chickenmod/es_radmin.txt
* Add this to your autoexec.cfg
[syntax="es"]es_load radmin[/syntax]
* Restart your server.
How to configurate:
Many of the plugins can be configurated by changing the values in the config block in your es_radmin.txt.
Also there can be a keygroup like for the adverts where you can set many things. There should be help comments for
all plugins.
Admins can have rights for commands or the menu. If you want an admin only to kick player so look for the command (ra_kick) and write the command name (kick) into the rights key in the es_admins_db.txt keygroup. If you want to give an admin menu access so the rights he need is admin.
[size=18][b]Admin Addons:[/b][/size]
* Player Management (slay, kick, ban, swap, client cmds, ...)
* Fun Player Management (slap, freeze, drug, teleport, ...)
* Vote Management (vote map, vote question, vote rcon, ...)
* Map Management (change map, set nextmap, ...)
* Restrict Weapons
* Play Sounds
* Execute Rcon Commmands
* Advert
* TK Protection
* Mission Objective
* Save Score / Save Money
* Auto Map
* Bet
* Bounty
* Reserved Slot
* Stats
* Sounds
* IP Ghost
* High Ping Kick (laggy)
* AFK Manager
* Quake Sounds
* Auto Kick / Auto Ban
* Custom Models / Admin Models
* Name Filter / Chat Filter
* votekick / voteban / rockthevote
[size=18][b]new cmds:[/b][/size]
All commands, admin or user, are saved in a keygroup called es_cmds_db.txt in your radmin folder. Its very easy to add new console or say commands because you only have to add them in the list and write a block with the same name as the command in the es_radmin.txt. All commands are executed by a block who checks for many things like:
* is player dead?
* is a var/playerprop/keyvalue set to a special value?
* has player enough rights?
* say or console cmd?
* cmd description called when not enough parameter count
* define a say msg when the cmd is executed
and many more!
[size=18][b]new quake sounds:[/b][/size]
Like the cmds there is also a block which manage all quake sounds so its easy to add many more by yourself. There are many things you can define like:
* after how much kills the sound triggers
* teamkill or not
* headshot or not
* message
* visual mode (message) and normal mode (sound)
and many more!
[size=16][color=red]NOTE: This Script Addon is in beta status so it can be that some addons not work. I tried many of them but its not the best on a listen server against bots ;) To fix the problems please post me the exact problem, the plugin and maybe the error string from the console.[/color][/size]
- center msg displayed when not defined bug fixed
- votemap immediately bug fixed
- rockthevote wrong username bug fixed
- rockthevote wrong player count bug fixed
- admin vote broken after tie, cancel or wrong answer bug fixed
- admin say prefix (@) and chat prefix (@@) added
- save point teleport bug fixed
- automap when users play on the server bug fixed
first release
enjoy it!
Version Notes For 0.2
Updated on: 2007-10-15 15:51:20 EST by Rio (
View Zip Contents)
- fixed some performance issues
- player- and funplayer management do know use a keygroup so you can add your own commands
- added settings to toggle say sounds, quake sounds, round end- and attacker stats
- added map end vote
- added bot management
- added health and money change to the funplayer menu
- fixed a bug that cause some quake sounds to play at the same time
- fixed some key not found bugs
- fixed a bug that cause a player displayed on round end stats if he killed hisself
- changed the way of restricting a weapon
- added a new command to display admin who are currently playing on the server
rADMIN is now out of beta status! Hope some people know give the script a try on their server ;)
( Previous Versions )