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rADMIN - Version 0.2

posted on 2007-08-28 15:04:51
by Rio



[size=24][b]rADMIN v0.1b[/b][/size] [size=18][b]Description:[/b][/size] Admin Plugin with many options. [size=18][b]Requirements:[/b][/size] * Mattie Eventscripts ( +) * ES_Tools .418+ * popup, vote, keymenu (loaded in the script) [size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size] * Upload and unpack the scripts in your cstrike folder. * Edit the config settings in addons/eventscripts/chickenmod/es_radmin.txt * Add this to your autoexec.cfg [syntax="es"]es_load radmin[/syntax] * Restart your server. [size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size] How to configurate: Many of the plugins can be configurated by changing the values in the config block in your es_radmin.txt. Also there can be a keygroup like for the adverts where you can set many things. There should be help comments for all plugins. [size=18][b]Admin:[/b][/size] Admins can have rights for commands or the menu. If you want an admin only to kick player so look for the command (ra_kick) and write the command name (kick) into the rights key in the es_admins_db.txt keygroup. If you want to give an admin menu access so the rights he need is admin. [size=18][b]Admin Addons:[/b][/size] * Player Management (slay, kick, ban, swap, client cmds, ...) * Fun Player Management (slap, freeze, drug, teleport, ...) * Vote Management (vote map, vote question, vote rcon, ...) * Map Management (change map, set nextmap, ...) * Restrict Weapons * Play Sounds * Execute Rcon Commmands [size=18][b]Addons:[/b][/size] * Advert * TK Protection * Mission Objective * Save Score / Save Money * Auto Map * Bet * Bounty * Reserved Slot * Stats * Sounds * IP Ghost * High Ping Kick (laggy) * AFK Manager * Quake Sounds * Auto Kick / Auto Ban * Custom Models / Admin Models * Name Filter / Chat Filter * votekick / voteban / rockthevote [size=18][b]new cmds:[/b][/size] All commands, admin or user, are saved in a keygroup called es_cmds_db.txt in your radmin folder. Its very easy to add new console or say commands because you only have to add them in the list and write a block with the same name as the command in the es_radmin.txt. All commands are executed by a block who checks for many things like: * is player dead? * is a var/playerprop/keyvalue set to a special value? * has player enough rights? * say or console cmd? * cmd description called when not enough parameter count * define a say msg when the cmd is executed and many more! [size=18][b]new quake sounds:[/b][/size] Like the cmds there is also a block which manage all quake sounds so its easy to add many more by yourself. There are many things you can define like: * after how much kills the sound triggers * teamkill or not * headshot or not * message * visual mode (message) and normal mode (sound) and many more! [size=18][url=]download[/url][/size] [size=16][color=red]NOTE: This Script Addon is in beta status so it can be that some addons not work. I tried many of them but its not the best on a listen server against bots ;) To fix the problems please post me the exact problem, the plugin and maybe the error string from the console.[/color][/size] [b]0.11b[/b] - center msg displayed when not defined bug fixed - votemap immediately bug fixed - rockthevote wrong username bug fixed - rockthevote wrong player count bug fixed - admin vote broken after tie, cancel or wrong answer bug fixed - admin say prefix (@) and chat prefix (@@) added - save point teleport bug fixed - automap when users play on the server bug fixed [b]0.1b[/b] first release enjoy it!

Version Notes For 0.2

Updated on: 2007-10-15 15:51:20 EST by Rio (View Zip Contents)
[b]0.2[/b] - fixed some performance issues - player- and funplayer management do know use a keygroup so you can add your own commands - added settings to toggle say sounds, quake sounds, round end- and attacker stats - added map end vote - added bot management - added health and money change to the funplayer menu - fixed a bug that cause some quake sounds to play at the same time - fixed some key not found bugs - fixed a bug that cause a player displayed on round end stats if he killed hisself - changed the way of restricting a weapon - added a new command to display admin who are currently playing on the server rADMIN is now out of beta status! Hope some people know give the script a try on their server ;)

( Previous Versions )