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Psstats - PsychoStats RealTime ingame addon with AutoTeamBalance by KDR (Non OrangeBox) ScreenShot

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Psstats - PsychoStats RealTime ingame addon with AutoTeamBalance by KDR (Non OrangeBox) - Version 0.6.1

posted on 2009-03-26 05:08:55
by chameleon82

Requires: [list][*][url=]ES_Tools version .420[/url] [/list]


[b]PsychoStats realtime in-game Rank & statistic plugin[/b] Directly mysql-based stats in-game plugin. This plugin get information from psychostats 3.1 web-based ranking system and shows on display. Also it calculates skill changes by every kill/death/event and anouncement it in chat. Also, plugin have advanced AutoTeamBalance. It calculate kdr of each player, agregate kdr by teams and look differences. It one team much harder than another, plugin combine with swap players for the best balance. [b]Features:[/b] Ingame statistic module commands: [b]rank[/b], [b]statsme[/b], [b]session[/b] (kpd), [b]top[/b] - show you statistic from web-based psychostats in game. AutoTeamBalance by KDR players! This module get KDR for each player from psychostats and calculate summary KDR of each team. If KDR is more difference, then combinate variants that player (or 1 player from T and 1 from CT) are needed to swap into another team for the best team balance. Easy admin menu! Just type [b]!psadmin[/b] in chat. In admin-menu you can enable/disable autobalance, setup atb rebalance rounds and minimum players, anouncements Realtime calculation changes of skill!!!! Basicaly on original psycho formula (may small difference with psychostats real skill, but very nearest to it) Plugin can update your web-stats all times when map changes. Just setting it in plugin configuration.


[b]Installation For Windows Platforms[/b] 1) Download [url][/url] psychostats 3.1 (3.2) ranking system and install it. 2) Download and install MySql client from [url][/url] (only if your stats on another server else you must do it at step 1 when installing Psycho) 3) Download [url=]MySQLdb-win.rar[/url] from attachments of this post. Unpack into eventscript addons directory 4) Unpack this plugin into eventscripts plugins directory. 5) Add "es_load psstats" into your autoexec.cfg [b]Installation For Unix Platforms[/b] 1) Download [url][/url] psychostats 3.1 (3.2) ranking system and install it. 2) Download and install MySql client from [url][/url] (only if your stats on another server else you must do it at step 1 when installing Psycho) 3) Download [url=]MySQLdb-posix.rar[/url] from attachments of this post. Unpack into eventscript addons directory 4) Compile MySQLdb library for your linux system: cd \addons\eventscripts\_engines\python\Lib\site-packages Edit site.cfg as you needed $ python build $ sudo python install Then you must see _mysql. file in site-packages directory. (May be you needed to start from python from evenscripts package) 5) Unpack this plugin into eventscripts plugins directory. 6) Add "es_load psstats" into your autoexec.cfg Modify for: # ===== Psycho Stats ===== # ps_atb = 2 # AutoTeamBalance Mode: 0 - off, 1 -only show team-balance, 2 - by rounds, 3 - by minutes ps_atb_attempts = 3 # How often rounds/minutes ATB can rebalance teams (default 5) ps_atb_diff = 0.4 # Points difference to ATB swap players (default 0.4) ps_atb_rounds = 3 # How often rounds ATB can rebalance teams (default 5) ps_atb_anounce = 2 # Anouncement level when swap players (0 - disabled, 1 - show swap players, 2 - show all anouncements) ps_atb_mover = 1 # Enables swap players (when disabled only shown who needed to swap) ps_admin_anounce = 1 # Anounce when Mani-admin join to server (tracking by uniqueId from PsychoStats) ps_webstats_recalc = 1 # Enables recalculate webstats each time when map ends (default 0) ps_cmd_anounce = 1 # Anounce available ps-stats chat commands # ==== MySQL Settings ==== # ps_mysql_hostname = 'localhost' # Hostname for the mysql server ps_mysql_username = 'root' # Username, needed to login on the sql server ps_mysql_password = '' # Password, also needed to login on the sql server ps_mysql_database = 'psychostats3_1' # Database - Where psychostats3.1 be stored. ps_mysql_tbl_prefix = 'ps_' # Table prefix (default 'ps_') # = Chat cmd definition == # ps_cmd_top = 'top' # Top (top10) cmd ps_cmd_session = 'session' # Session cmd ps_cmd_statsme = 'statsme' # Statsme cmd ps_cmd_kpd = 'kpd' # KPD cmd ps_cmd_rank = 'rank' # Rank cmd ps_cmd_hitbox = 'hitbox' # Hitbox cmd # ==== WebPS Recalculate Options ==== # ps_os_stats_path = 'C:/Perl/stats/PS/' # insert here your full directory of It must no contains blank characters!!!!!!! or you need to remove pl-script into another directory with no blank characters. Or in windows use dos-compatible names, like as: 'C:/Progra~1/Dedicat~1/PS/' 3) add [b]es_load psstats[/b] into autoexec.cfg

Version Notes For 0.6.1

Updated on: 2009-06-18 03:32:06 EST by chameleon82 (View Zip Contents)
[FIX] - fix problem with auth.service

( Previous Versions )