Imagine there are a lot of zombies near you and you are desesperated. What can you do?
Type [b]!panic[/b] in chat and drop all your weapons (except for the knife and nades), but now you can run faster for an amount of time.
The panic time, speed when panic and the weapons that you gain after panicking are configurable.
Create a folder called [b]paniczm[/b] in your [b]source dedicated server\cstrike\addons\eventscripts[/b] folder and put the [b]es_paniczm.txt[/b] in it.
Add [b]es_load paniczm[/b] to your [b]autoexec.cfg[/b], or to your [b]zombiemod.cfg[/b] if you want it to rund just when ZombieMod is on.