[b]XA version is out! Usage of XA module strongly advised[/b]
This addon will no longer be supported! XA module will:
[*]Loads a list of clantags from a config file and checks every player for usage of the clantag (or a version of it) whenever he changes the name or connects to the server
[*]Players will get kicked and warned until a certain limit is reached, then they'll get banned
[*]Players can register themself as a clanmember if they know the selfreg_pw
[*]Trying to register with the wrong password will also lead to a kick and warnings
[*]Admins can ban and unban steamids which will prevent/allow them to selfregister them
[*]Admins can register players using a list of players on the server or by entering the steamid
[*]OCP uses the latest Ojiiupdater (Beta 3) which provides a GUI Updater Frontend.
[*]OCP uses a textfile to store the clanmembers which can be edited using a notebpad. For more information about the syntax for that file, have a look at the configs file
[*]OCP config file can be edited with a notepad as well.
Registers the player as a clanmember if the password is correct, allow_selfreg is 1 and he is not banned.
Will send the player the updatemenu if he is an admin
Servercommands (rcon or serverconsole):[list]
Will register the steamid as a clanmember with the name given. the steamid and the name MUST be in double quotes, example:
ocp_reg "STEAM_1:2:34567890" "Ojii"
Will send a menu to the console from which the admin can choose a player to add
Will send a menu to the console from which the admin can choose a player to remove
Will prevent the steamid from registring himself. Steamid must be in double quotes
Will send a menu to the console from which the admin can choose a steamid to unban
Config values:[list]
[*]clantags = ,,,
a list of clantags seperated by three commas
[*]limit = 5
The limit of warnings before a player gets banned
[*]adminfile = 'cfg/admins.txt'
The file where the clanmembers get stored. Relative to the games root direction
[*]allow_selfreg = 1
Allows or disallows self regristration
[*]selfreg_pw =
The password used for self regristration