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NameAnnounce - Version Version 2.0

posted on 2009-08-24 19:13:26
by MadeInChina

Tags: css Tag


NameAnnounce allows you to give players on your server custom tags with ease! NameAnnounce gives join messages once players fully connect to a server. I hate playing and seeing 'xx has joined' when they haven't really! Now you'll see a message when the player has connected and you know they are actually IN the server. You can also set custom tags for whomever you choose, or let players set their own tags! Without a custom tag: JohnDoe - [ STEAM_0:X:XXXXX ] With a custom tag: JohnDoe - Rock'n All Night! Usage: say !tag ingame for a small popup with help info ADMINS: To set a players custom tag rcon tag (partialname or steamid) set (customtag) For players: say !tag (customtag)


Before you load the script you should set a few options in the script itself. Located at the top, in the CONFIG block there is // Allow regular players on the server to use the !tag command and set their own tag? es_xset allowselftagging 1 // Maximum number of times a user can change his tag per 3hours es_xset maxchanges 3

Version Notes For Version 2.0

Updated on: 2009-08-24 19:13:26 EST by MadeInChina
None of the other 'tag' addons were to my liking so I made this. I made a hugely simpe hardcoded 'tag' addon for myself a while back, and this is it's v2 :D It's probably pretty bad coding-wise but I say MEH. The function is there and I'm actually quite proud of this.

( Previous Versions )