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M4A1 Vs Knives - Version 1.2

posted on 2008-11-20 06:39:13
by aidden



Aidden's M4A1's Vs Knives v1.2 Ct's Spawn with m4a1 and deagle and default life of 115(can be changed in settings) T's spawn with just knives. 9 ct's are allowed on a team and 19 t's players per team can be changed in settings //##############################\\ // CONFIG \\ //##############################\\ //amount of health to give ct's ct_health 115 //amount of players allowed on t t_players 19 //amount of players allowed on ct ct_players 9 //mute players on death //requires mani admin //default = 1 allow_mute 1


extract to server directory add es_load m4a1vsknives to cfg/autoexec.cfg

Version Notes For 1.2

Updated on: 2008-11-25 04:56:58 EST by aidden (View Zip Contents)
fixed player counting bug fixed not giving you a deagle if on ct

( Previous Versions )