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Location Bookmarker - Version 1.3

posted on 2008-03-14 19:27:49
by GODJonez


Adds chat commands for players to use: !bm [name] - sets a bookmark to current location !dbm [name] - deletes a saved bookmark !go [name] - teleports to bookmarked location !go2 [name] - teleport to a location bookmarked by another player !allto [name] - teleport all players to bookmarked location !here - teleport all players next to you !move [name] - teleport entity under crosshair to bookmarked location The following permissions can be set in an Auth provider script to control access to the commands: [list][*][b]save_location[/b] [list][*]Allows people to use !bm command to bookmark their location [*]Allows people to use !dbm command to delete a saved bookmark [*]Fallback level: IDENTIFIED[/list] [b]teleport_own_location[/b] [list][*]Allows people to use !go command to teleport to bookmarked location [*]Fallback level: IDENTIFIED[/list] [b]teleport_any_location[/b] [list][*]Allows people to use !go2 command to teleport to location bookmarked by another player [*]Fallback level: IDENTIFIED[/list] [b]teleport_other_people[/b] [list][*]Allows people to use !here and !allto commands to teleport other players [*]Fallback level: ADMIN[/list] [b]teleport_entities[/b] [list][*]Allows people to use !move command to teleport a movable entity [*]Fallback level: POWERUSER[/list] [/list] If the name after the command is omitted, then name "0" is assumed. On death the location where player died is saved on name "0", so with just "!go" the player can get back to where he died after respawning (provided that there is respawns on the game). Using just "!bm" will set the "0" bookmark elsewhere until the next time the player dies. The bookmarks are player-specific, multiple players can have bookmarks named the same but presenting different coordinates. The bookmarks are not saved across maps, so a player can only bookmark a place he has really been during the session. This script was mainly written for Synergy co-op mod for maps where the spawn area can get annoyingly far away from the action. To use in Synergy, one needs to have [url=]syn_events[/url] installed.


Download the ZIP file and extract to the game directory. For Synergy, also download and install [url=]syn_events[/url]

Version Notes For 1.3

Updated on: 2011-05-27 12:34:37 EST by GODJonez (View Zip Contents)
[list][*]Fixed a typo that would cause TypeError when saving a bookmark[/list]

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