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KnifeSwap - Version 3

posted on 2008-04-24 08:08:56
by SuperDave


Provides a client command to swap between the knife and last active weapon. Requires only ES Options:[syntax="es"]// KnifeSwap release 3 options // ./addons/eventscripts/knifeswap/knifeswap.cfg // // Load this addon with: es_load knifeswap // To configure language settings for KnifeSwap please see knifeswap_languages.ini // ***** Options ***** // 0 = no change, 1 = announce knife swap command on the console at the beginning of the round, 2 = announce knife swap command in chat area at the beginning of the round knifeswap_announce_chat 2 // 0 = no change, 1 = announce knife swap command in a HUD hint at the beginning of the round knifeswap_announce_hud 1 [/syntax] Please see the forum link below for more translations or if you have a translation to add. Please also post general questions or comments.


Install with:[syntax="es"]es_install knifeswap[/syntax]Load once for [b]knifeswap.cfg[/b] to appear:[syntax="es"]es_load knifeswap[/syntax]Configure your options in [b]knifeswap.cfg[/b] and then reload the addon.

Version Notes For 3

Updated on: 2009-06-28 20:59:50 EST by SuperDave (View Zip Contents)
- Updated to use cmdlib and cfglib.AddonINI

( Previous Versions )