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knifebonus - Version V1.0

posted on 2009-06-05 11:54:19
by falcone


this script gives you more cash for knife kill, also it can set you're hp back to 100 after a knife kill , you can get a freegun after knife kill (you can choose from deagle , elite, m3, scout, m4, ak , aug and sg552 only tested on cs:s , tell me if this works on other games to. updates comming: system that tracks all knife kills and show them on a webpage, also some ingame commands like !knifetop or something


1.) Unzip in your cstrike folder. 2.) Add to autoexec.cfg es_load knifebonus 3.) Edit knifebonus.cfg to you're wishes 4.) Restart server

Version Notes For V1.0

Updated on: 2009-11-07 13:48:38 EST by falcone (View Zip Contents)
same version just other folder to extract , now just extract files in you're cstrike folder

( Previous Versions )