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Ich BotAutoSlay - Version 1.3

posted on 2006-08-31 14:24:25
by ichthys


[size=18][color=red][b]Ich BotAutoSlay v1.3[/b][/color][/size] [color=red][b]Features[/b][/color][list]This script automatically slays bots after a set number of seconds if only bots are left alive. Checks are done when players change teams and when players die.[/list] [color=red][b]Install:[/b][/color][list][*]save file to [color=green][b]cstrike/addons/eventscripts/ich_botautoslay/es_ich_botautoslay.txt[/b][/color] [*]To load - es_load ich_botautoslay [*]To load each time your server starts add the line [b][i]es_load ich_botautoslay[/i][/b] to your [color=green][b]autoexec.cfg[/b][/color][/list] [color=red][b]Settings:[/b][/color][syntax="es"]bas_delay_endround 5 //Delay to end round when all human players have died //Setting to -1 will disable this feature bas_delay_afterjoin 5 //Delay when the first human joins and bots are playing //Setting to -1 will disable this feature bas_endroundcommand "bot_kill" //command to end the round bas_premessage 1 // If set to 1 script will announce bots time remaining bas_endmessage 1 // If set to 1 script will announce that bots have been slain to end the round bas_bombplayout 1 // If set to 1 script will let bots play on if the bomb is planted[/syntax] [b]Updates:[/b][list]1.1 - Added option to set delays to -1 to disable features 1.2 - Fixed a typo in the messages, thx to podpapa 1.3 - Added bas_bombplayout[/list]

Version Notes For 1.3

Updated on: 2007-08-16 00:18:03 EST by ichthys
[b]Updates:[/b][list]1.1 - Added option to set delays to -1 to disable features 1.2 - Fixed a typo in the messages, thx to podpapa 1.3 - Added bas_bombplayout[/list]

( Previous Versions )