[b]Curent version windows only
map only goo.bsp[/b]
Build a tower of goo
LeftButtonMouse(Attack) - create goo
RightButtonMouse(Attack2) - delete goo
E (use) - push goo
space(jump) - jetpack
ctrl (duck) - stop move
ps.If you hear a clicking write in console
[code]cl_hudhint_sound 0[/code]
[i]music belongs to the world of goo[/i]
[*]install [url=http://forums.eventscripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=35734]popuplib2[/url]
[*]install [url=http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/view/sm2es_keyPress]sm2es_keyPress[/url]
[*]install [url=http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/view/srcds]srcds tools[/url]
[*] unzip the "cstrike"
[*]add \cstrike\cfg\autoexec.cfg
[code]es_load goo[/code]
[*]edit map cycle, that would have always been a map of goo
[*]restart server
Version Notes For 1.00 beta
Updated on: 2011-12-18 04:07:36 EST by sega74rus (View Zip Contents)