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GG Even The Odds - Version v1.1

posted on 2007-08-27 18:05:45
by RideGuy

Tags: css


Scales health based on players gungame level compared the server average level. If the average level is 15 and a player is on level 20, that player will spawn with 75 health. If a player is on level 13, that player will spawn with 110 health. The amount of health taken or gained can be adjusted via a multiplier. The is a port for gungame base on the kills/deaths version of Even The Odds by me. The original idea came from Matties Fairgame scriptpack. [size=18][b]Requirements:[/b][/size] Eventscripts 1.5beta or higher ES_Tools GunGame4 [size=18][b]Installation:[/b][/size] Extract the attached zip file into your cstrike folder. Add 'es_xload/es_xunload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_even_the_odds' to your 'cstrike\addons\eventscripts\gungame4\addons\custom' folder. eg. [syntax="es"]// GunGame Custom Addons Loader // Load and unload all of your custom addons from this file. // block load { // Load your custom addons here. // Single bullet awps EXAMPLE script //es_xload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_awp_bullet // Gives players the option to buy levels //es_xload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_buy_level // Auto reload when players get a kill //es_xload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_reload es_xload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_even_the_odds } block unload { // Unload your custom addons here. // Single bullet awps EXAMPLE script // es_xunload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_awp_bullet // Gives players the option to buy levels //es_xunload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_buy_level // Auto reload when players get a kill //es_xunload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_reload es_xunload gungame4/addons/custom/gg_even_the_odds[/syntax] [size=18][b]Adjustable settings:[/b][/size] [syntax="es"] // Base player health (default is 100) eto_health 100 // Muliply health by difference in level. (default is 5) eto_multiplier 5 // Minimum health a player can spawn with, reguardless of level difference. eto_minhealth 50 // Maximum health a player can spawn with, reguardless of level difference. eto_maxhealth 150 // Spawn protection time. If you are using gungame DM then you don't need to set this. // If you are using a 3rd party respawn script set spawn protection here. eto_sp_protect 3[/syntax]

Version Notes For v1.1

Updated on: 2007-09-08 22:33:46 EST by RideGuy (View Zip Contents)
-average gungame level is much more accurate for non-deathmatch play. -fix for deathmatch coming soon.

( Previous Versions )